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SA opposition remembers Boko Haram victims

Mbuyiseni Ndlozi

Mbuyiseni Ndlozi

JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) – ECONOMIC Freedom Fighters (EFF), the revolutionary South African opposition party, has expressed solidarity with Nigerian Muslims bearing the brunt of the violence the Boko Haram is unleashing.

The solidarity message came as the party congratulated the Muslim community in South Africa and around the world on the occasion of

The festivities, which mark the end of the month of Ramadan, was commemorated on Thursday.

“In this Eid, we further remember the Muslims who suffer at the hands of Boko Haram and Al Shabab, the terrorist groups that continue to terrorise our people in West and East Africa,” Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, EFF National Spokesperson, said on Thursday.

He also expressed his party’s solidarity with oppressed Muslims in Libya, Palestine and Western Sahara.

He added, “We call on all Muslims to reclaim Islam as the religion of love and not hate.”

The appeal follows the stereotyping of Islam as a violent religion owing to such militant sect as the Boko Haram, whose reign f terror in Nigeria
and the region has claimed thousands of lives and displaced more than 2 million.

– CAJ News








SA opposition remembers Boko Haram victims Reviewed by on . [caption id="attachment_142" align="alignleft" width="300"] Mbuyiseni Ndlozi[/caption] by GIFT NDOLWANE JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) - ECONOMIC Freedom Fighters (EF [caption id="attachment_142" align="alignleft" width="300"] Mbuyiseni Ndlozi[/caption] by GIFT NDOLWANE JOHANNESBURG, (CAJ News) - ECONOMIC Freedom Fighters (EF Rating:
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