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Vodacom courts controversy for ‘ripping off’ clients

May 10, 2017 2:07 pm by: Category: Broadband, BUSINESS, Featured, Finance & Banks, Investing, Mobile and Telecoms, Technology Leave a comment A+ / A-


JOHANNESBURG -THE country’s biggest mobile network operator, Vodacom, is being accused of short-changing clients, which is forcing them to migrate to rival companies.

CAJ News has been inundated with calls from subscribers alleging the company was “ripping them off.”

Enraged clients also vented their frustration on social media claiming they were “cheated” of their airtime and data arguing Vodacom was the most expensive service provider in the country.

“I have migrated this week because I can’t contain being cheated daily. I have been so patient with Vodacom but I realised their cheating act is actually an in-house strategy by company executives to rob us,” said a furious Mbulelo Nzuza in Sandton, Johannesburg.

Tsakani Maswanganyi of Braamfontein, also in Johannesburg, echoed the sentiments.

“The best thing to do is to migrate to a friendly mobile network that cares for clients,” said Maswanganyi.

Allister Vermeulen of Centurion also told CAJ News Africa he drifted to another operator claiming Vodacom was unreliable.

“Vodacom’s network is the widest in the country but of late I discovered my new operator (Cell Cell) has equally wide network. What sets it apart is that its data and voice packages are cheaper,” Vermeulen said.

Durban-based entrepreneur, Suresh Nehra, said he equally migrated from Vodacom towards end of March.

“I don’t know why it took me so many years to drift from Vodacom otherwise I have been foolish for too long,” said Nehra.

His wife has also ported from Vodacom.

Posting on Facebook page, another entrepreneur, Sibanengi Mswazie Dube, also accused Vodacom of ripping off customers.

“I have just ported my Vodacom number after being ripped off for ten years. Vodacom is the most expensive network in South Africa. They don’t readily attend to clients’ queries,” Dube queried.

“Let’s call upon Vodacom victims to dump this bloody sucking corporate!” Dube blasted.

Echoing same sentiments on Facebook was Yoba Chaldor Senior, who said, “l have always maintained Vodacom are bullies. They no longer care for their clients, forgetting the masses made them the biggest network.”

Vodacom spokesman Richard Boorman could not immediately respond to questions sent to him neither Vinnie Santu of Cell Cell.

Vodacom was founded in 1994, it is the biggest operator with over 36 million subscribers in South Africa.

– CAJ News

Vodacom courts controversy for ‘ripping off’ clients Reviewed by on . [caption id="attachment_6202" align="alignleft" width="300"] Vodacom[/caption] JOHANNESBURG -THE country’s biggest mobile network operator, Vodacom, is being ac [caption id="attachment_6202" align="alignleft" width="300"] Vodacom[/caption] JOHANNESBURG -THE country’s biggest mobile network operator, Vodacom, is being ac Rating: 0

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