30th January 2007

At least there are synonyms available for free

posted in computing |

I’ve checked, and as long as I have any of the following available, I’m all set. Here’s my list for today: panorama, outlook, scene, landscape, seascape, view.

Thanks to the people at Encarta, which is also owned by a corporation that gives a reason to live to a very rich man in Redmond, I have alternatives to looking for a new vista. Think of the savings in wasted time, energy, money (these three are not necessarily synonyms, but all fit the situation). My computer can stay as a working multipurpose tool without any need to purchase a new operating system.

The pressure is incredible… everywhere I look, there are hints. I guess that with the chance for a new cash flow, the good people in Redmond have pulled out the stops. Not enough, folks. My machine dual-boots. I do recognize my alternatives. I’ve done my cost-effectiveness study, without any paid for white papers from you know where.

It’s been a matter of hours since the “launch”; this is too much like a boat that went in the water months ago but still isn’t floating properly. Anyhow, I am waiting to see/hear the song/anthem from this one. How will the “Start It Up” go this time around?

So, what about the rest of you? Can I make a suggestion when the pushers arrive: just say no/I know.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 30th, 2007 at 17:17 and is filed under computing. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 222 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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