2nd February 2024

Grill improvements

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Let me start by getting the important question out of the way. No shadows were spotted outside. No fat rodents, either. That puts a real hole in the forecasting models. Next. We did have an interesting phone call today from the people that provide dogs to needy humans. I know dogs are also needy but that’s beside the point. As conversations tend to do we moved on to other topics. Adaptive technologies. The colour mentioned a special spatula that is 2 sided and will keep you from losing your burger why you prepare the thermometer they will tell you in a loud voice whether or not the cooking temperature has been achieved. And the only question I could ask myself is, how many burgers do you need to eat in a year before you need search tools. Perhaps a different diet is required. A grilled cheese sandwich would also give you that little bit of protein. But what do I know. I have not used the barbecue since it was taken over by a colony of wasps. One whole season of poorly cooked meat avoided. We’re now trying to decide whether or not we want to put the barbecue back in service. Some great opportunities to burn ourselves if you know what I mean. Is this the time to go vegan? I will have to think that one through. Also does a talking thermometer talk all the time. Like if you set it down does it just keep saying over and over again the same sentence. Almost enough to send me off to the arms of Amazon to see what it would cost to have such an interesting piece of kit in a drawer. I wonder what my neighbours do. Do they throw the steak on the grill and wait for the order to become so strong that they want to call the fire department? I really should have asked more questions during the phone call because the colour seemed to know more about this sort of thing than I. Do they train dogs to recognize when meat is cooked? I mean from my background the dog will eat it no matter what the state blue pink red brown black. At least with a grilled cheese sandwich you can have a decent chance I’ve not ruining an expensive meal. And as for a rodent sitting outside my door. No. It did not happen. I have been told that it snowed today because it’s winter.

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