14th September 2020

More replacement glass required

posted in economy, politics |

If you doubt my desire to put the pandemic behind me, consider this: today I visited three different stores (albeit all in the same mall). I practiced hygiene, with their mandatory hand sanitizer stations. I masked up, although nobody would have recognized me in any case. I didn’t dilly-dally, because I had already planned out my purchases. You see: proof that I’m not a risk taker, in these troubled times. Now, can we get a vaccine ready for folks, so that I can revert to my old, careless ways? Thank you.

We made it through last night. No insult added to injury, and the damaged limb (not mine) is still painful but on the “road to repair”. I purchased additional gel packs this morning; better than standing over an open freezer chest, I guess.

And, since yesterday’s misstep involved a camera, we did the required autopsy. Another broken filter, which means that we have now purchased more replacement glass than at any other point in the last half century. Hard to believe that I bought that first SLR back in ’72, in passing. My first camera of any sort, (a Brownie Hawkeye), didn’t require expensive add-ons.

What else set today apart from any other day? Got me. I live in very ordinary times. Hey, maybe tomorrow will bring change. As a sidebar, the election results from NB should start coming in shortly, which means that I will have to get up to speed on their particular electoral map. The actual politics don’t matter, much. As one pundit pronounced; “the Irvings will make their choice public, soon enough”.



This entry was posted on Monday, September 14th, 2020 at 19:00 and is filed under economy, politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 264 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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