11th July 2020

I don’t do, but I do see

posted in environment |

In a proper distribution of labour, either the load is shared equally, or the heavier portion falls on the shoulders of the person who wants it. I have a confession: in terms of taking care of our grounds, I am a failure. Abject. However… I do appreciate the effort, and I do notice when things look good. Flowers, for example, are an easy mark. Look.

I don’t know how they got there, or if they require a surfeit of attention, but they look good. All that colour, all that form. If we suddenly reverted to barren ground, I’d notice.

We also have a Green Machine that keeps the grass at a manageable height. Better than a sickle. I do try to keep the beast fueled, so I notice the quantities. For example, with ten litres of ordinary gas, the property can be “mowed” about 2.5 times. That allows the mundane calculation (based on current fuel prices) that we spend about $4 each time. Or $5. It does vary. I’ve never driven the machine, so I have no idea about the physical exertion required to go around in circles for hours. Probably less than one would spend during an evening of square dancing (I don’t do that, either). Certainly less than it would require to cover the same area, scissors in hand. We’re using the right tool for the job. Goats might be more amusing, but I don’t want to share my living space with an omnivore.

Life in the country. Not as simple as it might seem. Who knew?

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