7th May 2021

For now, home is the only place to be

posted in health, travel |

Just a head’s up for some of you; the BBQ wings in the frozen food section aren’t as good as the one from your better restaurants. Not as tasty, not as much of a treat. And yes, I did cook them, twice (despite the box brag that they are precooked). Got all of the frost out, but that sauce in a plastic sack is to be avoided. It was a meal on a whim. A response to cabin fever. Next time, I’ll go for a grilled cheese sandwich.

The third wave is upon our shores. Nova Scotia is closed. Ditto for the Island. Nobody knows what New Brunswick has an objective. And Newfoundland is a really long swim away.

Our roving family photographer caught up with a local beaver last evening, and there’s now pictures out there. We’ve seen raccoons, muskrats, coyotes, skunks, foxes, perhaps a porcupine. No bears or moose, because that bit of our past was wiped out eons ago. But the area is alive (and by process, well).

On a random basis, we get bundles of “flyers”; ads printed on pulp paper. I understand the oower of my recycling bin, but the question comes up on social media. Apparently, if you don’t want them, you get them. If you do, you don’t. Odd business plan for a company that specializes in advertising, methinks.

Right now, we have a (familiar) car stopped at the end of the driveway, and the dog is taking the invasion very personally. More and more, I suspect that his eyesight is roughly equivalent to mine.


This entry was posted on Friday, May 7th, 2021 at 19:17 and is filed under health, travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 258 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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