1st April 2016

Gambling with our money

posted in economy |

Spotted three more species of bird on the property, this morning. Had to accept that my future “acquisitions” will require the assistance of others. I’m a primary colours kind of guy. The box of eight Crayola got me through early life. However, birds come in an astounding range of sizes and shapes and hues. I’m not going to be able to identify the majority of the flock, unless someone else hangs a label around their necks.

Minor detail. We “upgraded” the main feeder, this afternoon, after accepting that one of the squirrels intends to chew all identifiable characteristics off the Mk. I model. Seriously. The little rodent has clearly decided that “all the seeds are mine” as soon as he cuts a hole through the shell.

The new model is made from glass and metal. Should be an interesting battle.

My patience paid off, with the arrival of the house guy for a long-delayed service call. I admire anyone who will hang over the edge of a roof to reattach a facing strip, and then put in substitute shingles to “keep things dry” until he can get back up to this end of the province. He also remeasured the outside surfaces for an (eventual) installation of facing stone. Fake facing stone, perhaps, but still on our want list.

The bank sent big envelopes today, with a request for us to make a choice. Are we willing to wager our money on the economy. The deal is to take on a renewed mortgage, for a fixed term rate or a variable rate. The latter is good for five years, which means that we might end up faced with higher interest in a New Deal economy. I have faith that the government won’t get their game plan in place that quickly.


This entry was posted on Friday, April 1st, 2016 at 19:24 and is filed under economy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 295 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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