17th October 2015

Thrust into a social context

posted in environment, food |

Call it a life lesson. If you turn down the thermostat, and leave the house for the evening, the place will be cooler when you get back. Simple AND scientific. I hope that the zealous soul who decided to economize on energy will keep that in mind.

Yes, we were out to visit the neighbours this evening. Not a simple task; it required a blitz of food preparation given the nature of the invitation. Two words, which send a shiver through me: pot luck. I know OUR recipes. Everything else is an adventure. Just to remind you, my name is not Indy-freaking-ana Anybody. I tread carefully when my digestive system is the test bed.

I think I escaped, this time. As well, I had to get involved in what people used to call “social activities”. Singing, playing games, making conversation with former students. Not good for my introverted nature. Getting home was reassurance. Just ask the dog.

I’m now getting ready for the lights to flicker. The public utility robocalled, to mention a power outage during the next night. Replacement of the feeder line to the new bridge, apparently. If all goes as it should, the house should drop to dark for about fifteen seconds before the new genny kicks in. I’m looking forward to it. Think of this as a drill. Preparation for worse times. It bears mention that portions of southern Ontario and central Quebec joined the nether reaches of the Maritimes, with a few flurries this afternoon. We’ve had a good run, but the weather will probably get worse before it gets better.


This entry was posted on Saturday, October 17th, 2015 at 23:30 and is filed under environment, food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 263 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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