18th May 2014

Some of life’s mysteries

posted in environment |

Another afternoon with things that leave me with questions. What happened at the local sushi restaurant, where the kitchen caught on fire yesterday? Why do I have to instruct the ‘artist’ at Subway to add spinach to the spinach sandwich?  Does an open box of donuts mean that all other foodstuffs are off limits in the family kitchen… overnight? Today, life has mysteries. Tomorrow; probably more of the same.

The more I read about recording studio gear and techniques, the more I realize that I’m on the edge of an abyss. One where only money can bridge the gap. Wow! So much gear with price tags that make me gasp. Certainly, the talented can get by with less, but for the rest of us…

Saw a picture of a street musician, playing a handsaw. He had added the remark that when it got cold, he could also cut firewood.

It seems that the ‘king-in-waiting’ is coming over for a quick tour of the ‘kingdom-in-waiting’. Good thing that they announce stuff like that on the new channel, or the rest of us might not notice. I’ll leave the ‘or care’ as an understood appendix.

Earlier in the century, our government decided that the penny was too valuable to remain in circulation. An intricate dance was developed, to allow store owners to compute the monies due in both directions, instead of making everything price out in multiples of five. One Montreal man decided to track his own spending (with rounding) over the last year, and he’s a winner. $0.89 richer. What can I add?


This entry was posted on Sunday, May 18th, 2014 at 16:46 and is filed under environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 258 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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