Monday’s with Jessica [Ep 9]: School Athletic Sports

This week I had my schools athletics sports, although I’m not a short distance runner I surprised myself with how I did and the times I ran, my interval and shorter faster training’s definitely have helped me improve in these distances (100m, 200m, 400m, 800m & 1500m) and how I feel when running them.

My training over the past few weeks has been a bit interrupted and changed due to all my school events and races. This hasn’t effected my fitness levels but hasn’t helped with my tightness in my muscles, mainly from the short and fast races my muscles tightened up but this is also from my lack of warming up and down, I struggle to do so as these races are fitted into a small amount of time where I can’t warm up.

I have learnt my lesson where if I don’t stretch I will get to tight and risk getting cramps mainly during swim training.

Going into this week my training is slowly getting back into its usual schedule as I am now about 3 weeks out from my next triathlon race.

This race is going to be one of the biggest events I would have ever attended and hoping all my training will help me preform at my best. 

– Jessica Bray

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