United Group Insurance

Cass County Supervisors hearing funding request and approve appointments


January 10th, 2018 by Ric Hanson

The Cass County Board of Supervisors held their regular, weekly meeting today (Wednesday), in Atlantic. During their session, the Board heard reports and FY 2019 funding requests from the Cass County Committee on Aging (CCCOA). Their $7,000 funding request is unchanged from previous years. It was taken under advisement.

The organization has five towns in the County who have representatives to serve on the CCCOA. Lewis, Marne and Wiota have chosen not to join at this time, but the organization hopes they will do so in the future. Locally, residents may find activities/services at the Anita Sunset Club, the Irregular Seniors of Cumberland, Massena Seniors, Griswold Golden Tigers, and the Atlantic Meal Site. The Griswold group has recently started a Tai Chi form of exercise, which has been well received.

The group works with CCCOA to serve seniors with programs such as exercise, healthy eating and assistance with insurance supplements. They have also begun to take advantage of Angels Home Health Care, which provides programs for things such as communication between doctors and patients, support groups, and dementia. Each month, a combined 250 seniors take part in some kind of gathering. CCCOA meets the fourth Tuesday of February, April, June, August, October and December, at the Atlantic Meal Site. Their meetings begin at 10-a.m.

In other business, the Supervisors appointed Judy Kennedy to fill a vacancy on the Cass County Conservation Board, and Peter T. Smith, as Pymosa Township Trustee, to fill a vacancy created by his father, Glen Smith. Glen Smith is serving in Washington, D-C., after being confirmed by the Senate to the Farm Credit Administration Board. They also received quarterly reports from Micah Lee, with Cass County Conservation, and Mitch Holmes, with Cass County Veterans Affairs. They tabled action on approving a 28-E (cost sharing) agreement with the Guthrie County Board of Health, for the sharing of environmental health services in Cass County. They also tabled action on appointing someone to the Southern Iowa Regional Housing Authority, to fill a vacancy.

They also approved the renewal of a lease agreement with Marne & Elk Horn Telephone Company. The agreement grants METC the right to install, maintain and operate certain equipment on the Courthouse Tower, and, in lieu of rent, provide a high speed internet connections and internet services, to the courthouse.

And, the Board of Supervisors set January 24th, January 31st, and Feb. 7th, as the dates for Public Hearings on an Ordinance authorizing the operation of all-terrain vehicles (ATV’s) and off-road utility vehicles (UTV’s), on county roadways and trails.