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ServSafe™ Certification Exam offered June 23rd


June 1st, 2015 by Ric Hanson

The Montgomery County Extension Services says a ServSafe™ Certification Exam is being offered on June 23rd at their office in Red Oak. This option is for anyone needing to take the food safety certification exam at the end of their five year certification. No book and no class room instruction will be offered. The exam meets the Iowa Certified Food Safety Manager certification.

The cost is $60 per person to cover the exam cost. ISU Extension and Outreach, Montgomery County is located at 400 Bridge Street in Red Oak. Exam is at 1:00 pm. Photo ID is required. The next class in Montgomery County will be August 10th, and registration is open for that class. For information contact Barb Fuller at 641 202 1843 or Jodie Smith at 712 623-2592.