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(Updated) Cass County Food Box Giveaway 10-31-20

Ag/Outdoor, News

October 27th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

Here’s a reminder, that on Saturday October 31st, 400 USDA Farmers to Families Food Boxes will be given away at the Cass County Community Center from 11:00 AM–2:00 PM, or as supplies last. There is no requirement to come in person to receive food. Community members are asked to slow the spread of COVID-19 by avoiding carpooling to this event with people from outside their household.

Cass County Wellness Coordinator Brigham Hoegh says “If you know someone who would benefit from a little extra food, simply ask for an extra box to share. We really appreciate folks looking out for each other right now—while taking precautions to slow the spread of COVID-19.”

Anyone in need is welcome to visit the drive-through food box pick-up, and no documentation or proof of need is required. Boxes will be given away at no cost. People from surrounding towns and communities are welcome.

The USDA Farmers to Families Food Boxes contain 20 pounds of food: 10 pounds of produce, 5 pounds of pre-cooked meat, and 5 pounds of dairy products, and come with a gallon of milk.Those picking up food boxes at the Community Center are asked to follow signage and volunteer directions to help the event run smoothly. Please don’t begin lining up before 10 AM.


Cass County Farmers to Families Food Box Giveaway

What: Drive-through food distribution. Boxes of 10 lbs.produce, 5 lbs.meat, 5 lbs. dairy, and a gallon of milk.

Where: Cass County Community Center (805 W. 10th Street, Atlantic, 50022)

When: Saturday 10/31/20 Halloween 11 AM -2 PM (or as supplies last)

Who: Anyone in need is welcome.No documentation required.Cost: No cost!

Questions:Contact Brigham Hoegh, Cass County Wellness Coordinator, (712)249-5870, bhoegh@iastate.eduFor more information on local food, farmers markets, and food access, follow the Cass County Local Food Policy Council’s Facebook page @CassCountyLocalFood.