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Cass County Farmers to Families Food Box Giveaway 10-31-20


October 18th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

(Atlantic) – Cass County just got a treat for Halloween. On Saturday October 31, USDA Farmers to Families Food Boxes will be given away at the Cass County Community Center from 11:00 AM– 2:00 PM, or as supplies last. Anyone in need is welcome to visit the drive-through food box pick-up, and no documentation is required. Boxes containing 20-pounds of food in the form of: 10 lbs. produce; 5 lbs. of pre-cooked meat; 5 lbs. of dairy products, and a gallon of milk, will be given away at no cost.

People from surrounding towns and communities are welcome. Those picking up food boxes at the Community Center are asked to follow signage and volunteer directions to help the event run smoothly. Please don’t begin lining up before 10 AM.  For more information on local food, farmers markets, and food access, follow the Cass
County Local Food Policy Council’s Facebook page @CassCountyLocalFood.


If you have any questions, please contact Questions: Contact Brigham Hoegh, Cass County Wellness Coordinator, (712)249-5870, bhoegh@iastate.edu.