United Group Insurance

2020 Primary & General Election New Filing Periods


February 24th, 2020 by Ric Hanson

The Montgomery County Auditor’s Office reports due to the legislation changes in Iowa that were adopted in 2019, there are a number of changes to filing deadlines for public office. These affect the Primary and General Election candidates wanting to run for office in Montgomery County. Nomination papers for all offices on the Primary and General ballots are now due in March, except for Montgomery County Agricultural Extension, even though many offices will not appear on the ballots until November. Two seats (District 3 and District 5) on the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors, as well as the offices of County Auditor and County Sheriff will be on the ballot.

Current office holders for Supervisors are Bryant Amos and Donna Robinson; for Auditor is Stephanie Burke; and for Sheriff is Joe Sampson. In each candidacy, there are a specific number of signatures that are required, and they are based on party. Only voters living in the supervisor candidate’s respective district are allowed to sign the nomination papers. The offices of Auditor and Sheriff are elected at large. All terms are four years. Nomination papers and any accompanying affidavit of candidacy for the June 2, 2020 Primary Election must be filed with the Montgomery County Auditor’s Office beginning March 2, 2020. The filing deadline is 5:00 p.m. on March 25.

Burke said “The filing for County Agricultural Extension has no start date and the deadline is August 26, 2020.” Filing and signature requirements differ in all the offices in the Primary and General Election. Please contact the Auditor’s office at 623-5127 for more information. Democratic and Republican candidates must run in the June 2 Primary Election, with the winners moving on to the November 3 General Election ballot.