United Group Insurance

St. Albert takes crown at Boys State Qualifying Track Meet at Fremont-Mills


May 10th, 2019 by admin

The St. Albert boys track team won their 10th straight State Qualifying Track Meet Title on Friday at Fremont-Mills. The Falcons racked up 146 points to win the crown. Woodbine was 2nd with 113.

Team Scores

  1. St. Albert 146
  2. Woodbine 113
  3. Fremont-Mills 80
  4. Logan-Magnolia 74
  5. Boyer Valley 73
  6. Sidney 72
  7. Bedford 51
  8. Clarinda Academy 36
  9. Lenox 25
  10. East Mills 22
  11. Essex 21
  12. West Harrison 20
  13. South Page 1

Full results here: 1ASQMFremontMills2019