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1st of three Cass County Legislative Coffees set for Feb. 9th, in Cumberland


January 28th, 2019 by Ric Hanson

Three legislative coffees have been scheduled in Cass County for the 2019 session. The events are being presented by the Progressive Rural Iowa Development Enterprise, P.R.I.D.E. economic development organization. The public is welcome to attend the first meeting set for 1-p.m., Feb. 9th, at the Cumberland Fire Station (2nd and Main Street), in Cumberland.

The other two coffees will take place Saturday, March 9, 1 – 2 p.m. at the Marne Community Center, and Saturday, April 13, 1 – 2 p.m. at the Lewis Activity Center.

Clarke Gerlock, vice-president of P.R.I.D.E.., says “The greatest thing about these coffees is our ability to talk with our elected leaders like they are our friends and neighbors, because they are. Cass County legislators have appreciated for years the tremendous turnout from citizens in our area.

Senator Tom Shipley and Rep. Tom Moore come to our towns in their district to hear our views. When we participate in these coffees, they know what matters to us for our children’s schools, employment and business opportunities, population decline, water quality, community development, and other important issues. Helping our legislators understand what’s going on in our area is important, so please bring your thoughts and join us.”

P.R.I.D.E. is the economic development organization focusing on family-friendly communities, businesses, and citizens for Southwest Iowa. For additional information, please contact Clarke Gerlock at 712-774-5476, or Kenner Baxter, president, at 781-2395.