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Grassley discusses his health, prospects for eighth term in US Senate


October 31st, 2018 by Ric Hanson

(Radio Iowa) — U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley has been out campaigning with many of the Iowa Republicans who’re on this November’s ballot, including Governor Kim Reynolds.  “I want you to remember two words about this campaign and this great governor. Those two words are: She cares!” said during a recent rally with Reynolds. Grassley’s been campaigning with two of Iowa’s Republican Congressmen David Young and Rod Blum AND some legislative candidates as well.

Grassley’s current term ends in 2022 and he’s undecided about seeking another six-year stint in the U.S. Senate. Grassley says there are a couple of things that keep his energy level high. “At 65 I started running, although now at age 85 I think I’d better say I shuffle, but I still try to exercise well and I enjoy my work,” Grassley says. “I think if you enjoy your work, it makes a difference.” *IF* Grassley seeks an eighth term in the senate, he’ll launch that campaign at the age of 89.

Grassley has repeatedly said he’ll run again if he feels healthy enough, however Grassley this month has acknowledged his health may fail before his current term ends — and Grassley has tied that to an argument for reelecting the Republican governor. “Just in case there’s ever a vacancy in the position of US Senator, I don’t want a Democrat appointing a Democrat,” Grassley said October 13 at Reynolds’ Harvest Festival Fundraiser.

Grassley has been in elected office for the past 59 years. He served 16 years in the Iowa House and then six years in the U.S. House of Representatives before winning a seat in the U.S. Senate in 1980.