Beach You to It

To the casual observer, the pile of sand behind us may appear to be the result of Mom cleaning the car out after our beach romp. To those more familiar with us, they may speculate that this is just the start of another project that Dad may or may not finish. However, to Asa and I, this pile of sand represents a dog’s dream come true of having our own private beach!

Yes, Dad purchased it for another project, but based on past experience we know that will take time and could be years before he gets around to doing it. If you look closely, in the background there is the pile of stone dust from a previous project still patiently waiting to be finished. So in the meantime, Asa and I are not letting this sand go to waste!

We just need to level out this sand dune and our project is completed. That’s easy enough. I’ll dig a bit to redistribute it around the yard, while Asa rolls on it to flatten it out. Then if we put our kiddie pool next to it, we have the makings of our very own exclusive beach paradise.

Oh sure Dad isn’t as attentive to details like me. So he accidentally ordered clean sand that doesn’t have any fragrant seaweed in it. But that’s ok, because I usually end up in the bathtub after indulging in a good seaweed roll. So I don’t mind skipping that detail. Also I’ll refrain from inviting any seagulls to hang out at our beach. Asa thinks that the noise seagulls make is them laughing at his jokes. It never occurred to him that they are actually laughing at him. Either way, we don’t want to encourage Asa to seas the day with any of his goofy puns!

Now enough with the planning! Time to start getting our project started! Because unlike Dad, we will finish this one! But first I have to get this bucket off of Asa’s head so he can help. This is going to be the best summer ever!

Hey bucket head, enough playing, we need to get our beach ready for summer!
Sorry Dad, we beach you to it with this project!


About the author

Chuck Billy is a Golden Retriever, living in Southern Maine, who likes to share his unique observations on life with his little brother Asa. When not writing his blog, he spends his days being awesome.

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