Home Organizational Psychology Leadership What Keeps High Achieving Women from Choosing Executive Positions

What Keeps High Achieving Women from Choosing Executive Positions

40 min read

III. Factors that lead to frequent career changes


The text for this essay is taken from: Marcia Reynolds (2007) Personal Factors of High-Achieving Women That Contribute to the Low Number of Executives in Corporations. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, The Professional School of Psychology, Sacramento, California, USA]

What about the women who chose to stay in their corporate positions? As we have seen, they deal with on-going subtle discrimination in society and the workplace (McCracken, 2000), ambiguity about their life choices (Ruderman, et al., 2002) and the situational constructs in organizations that render them with less power than men. (Kanter, 1993) In addition, the fast-changing roles and identities of women in the workplace lead to internal conflicts that affect how they engage with the world. (Gersick & Kram, 2002) In this essay, I review literature concerning self-confidence, expectations and self-defeating behavior among women in corporate life.

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