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    Lin-Manuel Miranda’s next musical is an adaptation of The Warriors.

    Emily Temple

    August 4, 2023, 11:26am

    Waaaaariorrrrrs! Come out to play-ayyyyy!

    Everybody might be packed, but it’s hard to imagine how it would be possible to improve on Walter Hill’s 1979 cult classic The Warriors, based on the novel of the same name by Sol Yurick, which was published in 1965 (and which was itself loosely based on Xenophon’s Anabasis.

    Still, some will try. According to The New York Post, who has it from an unnamed source, Lin-Manuel Miranda is taking on the high camp, mega-stylized NYC gangland story; it would be his first show since Hamilton, which opened in 2015. Certainly there are a lot of opportunities for musical numbers (and updated costumes) built in, but hopefully Miranda can keep his shiny earnestness in check—it’s supposed to be a little rough around the edges.

    [via Deadline]

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