10 Must-Try Baby Food Recipes for Beginners

Starting your little one on solid foods can be an exciting and daunting task. With so many recipes and options available, it can be hard to know where to start. That's why we've put together a list of 10 must-try baby food recipes for beginners. These recipes are simple to make, nutritious, and delicious, and they're sure to please even the pickiest of eaters.

Fasting - the Benefits of Fasting

Fasting is a traditional method of detoxifying the body that has been practiced by various cultures for centuries. It is often done for religious reasons, as it requires willpower and is associated with purifying the soul along with the body. The main benefit of fasting is giving the digestive system a rest, allowing it to recover. Ideally, fasting should be done regularly, perhaps once a month, for a period of 36 hours to three days.


Recently, I was a part of a discussion about the body positivity movement. Men and women chimed in with a host of encouraging and supportive comments. But there was a surprising voice of alarm and concern...