dyann’s geneva blouses

Dyann has been playing with pattern alterations on the Geneva V-Neck Blouse. We love what she’s done with it.

I think the Geneva V-Neck Blouse has become my new favorite pattern. Recently I had fun with some variations.

For the first version, the only change I made was to add a couple of inches to the length to make it more of a tunic. I made it out of some sand-washed rayon from deep in my stash. I love wearing it; it has a great feel to it.

For my next version, I raised the neckline in the front as well as the back by 3/4”. I also shortened the bell sleeve pattern piece and made a short-sleeved version. I modified the sleeve facing piece to create a nice cuff.

When Liesl first introduced the pattern, she included some inspiration photos and one of them had a v-neck blouse with a ruffle. I had this great crisp white cotton with embroidered polka dots that I thought would be fun with a ruffle. I used a very lightweight lawn fabric, doubled, for the ruffle. I can slip the blouse over my head without the buttons so I sewed it shut and omitted the interfacing on the facings. For this one I used the original neckline depth.

For the next version, I used the raised neckline and used a smaller, tighter ruffle only around the neckline and not down the button band. I made a narrow hem at the edge of the ruffle instead of folding it in half as I did with the white version. This one has the lantern sleeves, which I love. I added additional buttons and three horizontal pleats at the bottom.


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  1. Renee

    What a great range of looks from the same pattern!

  2. Lisa

    I agree with Renee- so many different, great-fitting and fantastic-looking tops!

  3. Maryam

    Wow what variations!!! It looks like had fun with the pattern. However, I really like the white blouse. It is really pretty. Love it.

  4. Kate C

    Each of them are lovely, and so such a different effect created – impressive.

  5. Michelle

    I love these variations! My favorite is your white ruffle blouse.

  6. Erica

    Every single one looks fantastic! Thank you for sharing all these variations!

  7. Cindy Cooksey

    I love the variety of the blouses you came up with, using just the Geneva pattern. I can’t decide which is my favorite. You look great in them, too!

  8. Maria

    I love all your versions! The picture of the ruffle blouse in the inspiration post also caught my eye. I wanted to do it, but I wasn’t sure about the way of attaching the ruffle to the neck. Would you mind to share how did you do it? Have you mantained the bias facing? Is the ruffle sandwiched between the bias and the blouse.? I finally went with the straight View B, also raising the neckline, and I’m so happy with it…! A new favorite for me, too.

    Thank you so much for sharing this…!

    1. Dyann

      Thank you, Maria! Adding the ruffle was easier than I thought. Yes, I did use the bias facing and sandwiched the ruffle in between. I played around with how much ruffle I wanted and ended up with a little more the 1.5 x the length of the opening. It helps a lot to press the ruffle a bit before sewing it.

      1. Maria

        Thank you, Dyann! I will give it a try next time!

  9. Lynn

    Love the addition of the ruffle!

  10. Absolutely love the dark blue one. I must try it. Its one of my favourite patterns too!

    1. I meant the very last one with the pleats and ruffle just at the neck 🙂 Although all of them are really very pretty and suit you so well.

  11. Diane

    I love Dyann’s creativity! They are lovely. My fave is the last one, with the lantern sleeves. She is one with the blouse. Thank you for the inspiration.

  12. Marion

    I just made my first Geneva. I need some help as I find the neckline a little “gapey” and I know I should raise the neckline. Yikes! I have never done that. I used a fairly light cotton voile. Any suggestions of good resources to help change this?

    1. Hi Marion,
      Do you want to post a picture in the forums?

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