Senate wants plan on NSPS conversions


The Senate Armed Services Committee wants to know in detail how the Pentagon plans to convert about 226,000 employees from the National Security Personnel System back to the General Schedule or other pay system. The request for an action plan on conversions is part of the Senate 2011 Defense Authorization Act, which the committee finished marking up today.

The bill also:

  • Clarifies that the repeal of NSPS has no effect on the direct hiring authority of defense laboratories, and increases the number of positions for which that authority can be used,
  • Temporarily authorizes overtime pay for Navy civilian employees working on the USS George Washington aircraft carrier,
  • Extends for one year the authority to waive limitations on the aggregate basic and premium pay available to civilian employees working within the U.S. Central Command’s area of responsibility,
  • And authorizes enhanced appointment and compensation authority for certain Defense health care occupations.

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