Dec 23 – Homily – Fr Ignatius: Habit of Confession

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Homily #091223 ( 05min) Play - Continuing his Advent theme on Confession, Fr. Ignatius stresses the need for frequent confession throughout the year not just in the seasons of penance. Such a habit has 8 benefits that Pius XII outlined:

  1. Self Knowledge

  2. Christian Humility Grows

  3. Bad Habits corrected

  4. Spiritual neglect and tepidity is resisted

  5. Conscience is purified

  6. Will is strengthened

  7. Salutary self-control is attained

  8. Grace is gained in virtue of the sacrament itself

Ave Maria! Fourth Sunday in Advent - Mass: EF, Rorate Coeli - Readings: 1st: 1co 4:1-5 - Gsp: luk 3:1-6

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