Study support

Being a mentor and giving advice on essay writing is not always straightforward. The London Metropolitan University Library Matters website contains not only key information on using library resources, but also academic writing (e.g. understanding essay questionsreferencing, and plagiarism) – all relevant for successful study. Have a look.

The London Metropolitan University Study Hub website contains also useful information on studying at University level.

This is what a mentor wrote in terms of the Study Hub website:

Study links: Most of these links, when clicked on, will bring to you some guiding information, plus there are some videos clips that are not too long, but help to provide some tips on any area of your concerns. These include:

  • Creative approaches to learning: which can be help a learner to understand the importance of Note taking/Note making. Everybody has a different way of learning but I think taking notes can help a learner to remember what they discussed in class. It could pictures, diagrams tables or anything that helps you understand best!
  • Group work: helps a learner to get a wide understanding on a topic, especially if it was something he/she was finding difficult to understand (and what his/her peers may have understood well). Plus, studying in a group is more social and helps to ease the pressure of being scrutinised (which a learner could feel when being in a lecture room).
  • Presentation: helps to build communication skills and a learner’s confidence. This is important because presentations are unavoidable in any higher education setting.
  • The importance of referencing for academic writing: helps a learner to avoid plagiarism by claiming somebody’s work as his/her own (which could lower his/her marks or grading once detected).

(for further information on referencing please click on the following link)

Also there is a video on the Study Hub site explaining about an application called Ref ME that can be downloaded on smart phones (e.g. android and iPhone) to help with referencing.

  • Reading and writing: are inevitable when studying at higher education level, so these links are worth looking at.

Links to other resources and support advice are listed below:

Centre for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT)

Clued up! (digital literacies)

Heros and Villains (academic honesty and integrity)

Disabilities & Dyslexia Service (DDS)

>Thanks, Esther!<

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