DIY Learning For Toddlers By Mamiblock

Hello, friends! A friend linked this video last night via Facebook, and after watching it several times (and checking out a bunch of other videos on the Mamiblock YouTube channel), I decided that I had to share it with anyone who might be reading this! There are so many cool things! Don’t let the German scare you away, the videos are still pretty easy to follow.

These simple, inexpensive DIY projects are fantastic for teaching tiny toddlers and young children a range of skills, including counting, telling time, the alphabet, and writing. They look like so much fun, and I am definitely looking forward to trying these out in the near future, now that Liam will be turning one in 10 days!

I love finding channels like Mamiblock, and you should definitely check out the whole channel, as they have tons of videos on cool ways to make your life with baby a little easier, and more fun, like exercise, meal ideas, baking, and so many more crafty things. I hope this inspires a few of you as much as it inspired me. I’m so hyped to try some of these!

Thanks for reading!


Author: Super Jan

I'm just an introvert, trying to find where I fit in the world. Opinionated, slightly vulgar, and prone to crippling social anxiety. I am a casual gamer, retired podcaster, wannabe voice actor, newbie freelancer, Netflix binge-watcher, YouTube addict, and a mom just trying my best.

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