Consumer Level Insights to Healthcare

Written by on October 2, 2018

How Much you Travel Can Predict Your Health-Related Behavior
The Incrementalist Graphic Won Chung
This weeks interview was an opportunity to catch up with Dr Won Chung – an Emergency Room doctor and co-founder of Carrot Health – a company focusing on bringing consumer level insights, data and analysis to medicine
His clinical career has been centered on the Emergency Room which as he describes is primarily focused on treating Accidents and Emergencies but as he has discovered where an awful lot of what happens in the Emergency room is not impacting the long term health of patients. We know that our personal behavior and the social determinants of health (SDoH) (such as gender, marriage and other consumer attributes) are not only important to health but actually are the major components of differential health outcomes and by most estimates contribute 60-80%. I make this point frequently in my presentations:

In a recurring theme on the show – the incremental insight that got him here happened when he was attending business school where he met his co-founder Kurt Waltenbaugh where they were discussing the data missing to manage patients better. As he puts it

if I knew details of what you were buying in the supermarket I could predict you HB1Ac before you even enter my clinical office

Once again – the adjacent possible discussion was the foundation for the company as they realized together that they could gather the missing data from other sources especially retail and help answer those questions.
Listen in to hear our discussion on their insights into Diabetes – a chronic disease affecting 10% of the population (that’s 30 Million people in the US) and a whole lot more that are are pre-diabetic. Hear about the two groups of patients and the correlation between the how much you travel and the success or failure of your diabetes management. Hear how pet ownership and your civic responsibility are also linked and find out which car you drive is linked to your success in managing diabetes. We talk about marriage and its effects on health offering some new and more granular insights into the benefits of marriage – the results will surprise you
You can read more about this insight here

Listen live at 4:00 AM, 12:00 Noon or 8:00 PM ET, Monday through Friday for the next two weeks at HealthcareNOW Radio. After that, you can listen on demand (See podcast information below.) Join the conversation on Twitter at #TheIncrementalist.

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