Airborne Transmission of COVID19

Written by on June 17, 2020

Wear a Mask

Wear a face Covering


This week I discuss reopening in the context of the recently published paper Identifying airborne transmission as the dominant route for the spread of COVID-19 and the CDC guidelines: Clusters of Coronavirus Disease in Communities, Japan, January–April 2020, both of which offer compelling evidence that masks remain your primary means of returning to work and activities safely

What were the findings and what does this mean for fitness facilities, churches and how should you apply this in your business. Listen on to hear how you should think about this information

The challenges with re-opening a business are wide and varied and all these factors need to be weighed by each business in the context of the latest rapidly changing information on the virus which is where we can help you navigate a safe path to open for your employees and customers.

That’s why I am teaming up with Dr David Shulkin, Dr Michael Jaff, Fred Goldstein and Doug Goldstein to bring you an evidenced-based approach to getting companies back to work and keeping up to date with the latest science and guidelines

Back to Work

US Healthy Work


Our mission is to enable leaders to get America back to work, school, sports, and church safely

We need to accelerate the #Incremental steps necessary to enable the faster transformation to allow individuals and businesses to not just survive but thrive in the changing world we inhabit. Reach out to me at if you’d like my help

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