Ways to Avoid Workout Injuries

Workout Injuries

Workout Injuries – Reasons and ways to avoid

It generally happens that you make commitment and make plans to get in shape and looking forward to see results ASAP. You run, jog, do weight training etc. And next moment you hear a sound “ooouch” due to workout injuries which derails you fitness plan/dream.


Why does it happen? Following are some of the reasons:

  • Doing activities/exercises too much or too often.
  • Doing right activities/exercises in wrong manner.
  • Choosing the wrong activities/exercises for your particular body type or physical conditioning.

Some steps that can be taken to avoid the most common workout injuries.

1.    Know Your Body

One of the best ways to avoid workout injuries is to know your body’s limitations.

For example, if some one is having knee problems, he/she should do stepper, run on a treadmill, or do leg presses, as all these can do injuries in an already weakened knee.

But he/she can try a stationary bike or even an elliptical machine, which does not cause any pulsation on the knee joints

Similarly, If you have weak wrists, weight lifting can be worst.

2.    It’s All About Sex

Oops!!! I mean to say gender not the one you have on Saturday night.

Gender-related physiologic issues can set up both (men and women) for injuries when they do specific kinds of workouts.

It doesn’t mean certain activities/workouts should be avoided, it means precautions should be taken.

Women are generally better at activities like Pilates, yoga, a stair stepper, or cycling and at the same time men are more likely to be injured while doing these.

Studies shows that women are more prone to workout injuries during their menstrual cycle as hormones can increase the looseness of the joints and make injuries more likely to occur. So, it is recommended be careful during this time of the month to avoid the injuries.

3.    Hire/consult a Professional

Guidance of a trained professional can avoid some of the common injuries and a right program will allow muscles to heal properly

4.    Warm It Up and Take It Slow

Whatever fitness activity you are doing, warm-up exercises before every session helps the muscles to handle stress so they are less likely to be injured and you can then slowly increase pace of your workout over time.

For example, you’re new to weight training, start with 8-12 reps  with weights you can lift easily, and do max three sets. Once you feel comfortable with weights, increase the weight by just 2% at your next session.

5.    Don’t Overdo It

Its true that doing one exercise/activity over and over again will help you perfect it but at the same time its also true that tired muscles are an invitation to workout injuries. So you should give your muscles an adequate time to rest and recover between workouts.

Shin splints, tendinitis, and never-ending muscle soreness are some bad results of over workout.

The way to avoid problems is to vary your workouts for example, running on a treadmill one day and lifting weights the next. 

6.    Stretching

Do dynamic stretching before and after you work out. This will help increase flexibility. Research is conflicting as to whether it can also help prevent workout injuries, It’s best to stretch after you warm up and cool down.

Some tips for avoiding workout injuries while performing 6 types of common exercises. 

1.    Jogging

Potential workout injuries: Knee and foot problems, including torn meniscus or cartilage workout injuries.

How to avoid them: Wear good shoes; rest between sessions; don’t work through the pain; ice your knees.

2.    Ski machines (like the cross-trainer)

Potential workout injuries: Hip, leg, lower back problems due to hyper-extension; knee injuries due to locked in position.

How to avoid them: Don’t pull your legs apart farther than you would during a natural stride. Try to keep some flexibility in your knees — don’t lock them tight.

3.    Yoga

Potential workout injuries: Wrist sprains and hip problems.

How to avoid them: Don’t put excess weight on your wrists; reinforce them with supports; don’t let anyone “push” your body into a position it doesn’t naturally go into without pain.

4.    Leg extension exercises and leg press machines

Potential workout injuries: Kneecap dislocation or bruising; aggravation of arthritis in knee; disc problems; tendinitis.

How to avoid them: Never lock your knees. Don’t put your foot under a bar or other rigid equipment that forces your leg into an unnatural position.

5.    30-minute circuit training workout (like at Curves)

Potential workout injuries: Torn rotator cuffs; shoulder damage from doing too much too soon.

How to avoid them: Don’t feel obligated to do the whole 30-minute routine when starting out, especially if you feel pain. Stop, rest, and don’t push down too hard.

6.    Assisted dips

Potential workout injuries: Shoulder, elbow, wrist dislocations; muscle strains; ligament tears.

How to avoid them: Don’t use a dip machine that requires you to drop down so low that your shoulders come up to your ears.

No matter how careful you are, workout Injuries can happen. If you develop workout injuries, follow these common methods to keep your workout injuries from getting worse:

  • Take Rest for workout injuries heeling.
  • Ice the workout injuries to lessen swelling, bleeding, and inflammation.
  • Apply a compression bandage to minimize swelling

We will try to cover detailed methods of treating common workout injuries in our coming articles.

Till then workout hard and stay safe.

Good Luck…


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