Geometric Print Dress

You guys. Real talk…this week has been SO crazy. Like, hard crazy. Like…you can’t wait for 6 o’clock to come after 8 straight hours of working every second so you can get in your car, roll the windows down, blast Sam Hunt radio all the way home and then just pour some wine when you finally get to your comfy couch in your yoga pants + NO bra (oh yeah, I said it). THAT kind of hard. THANK THE LORD it is already Wednesday! Anyone have fun plans this weekend?! I have a weekend FULL of shoots (literally 3 photoshoots…both work & blog related) and a WELL overdue hair appointment (thanks for not making too much fun of my roots) so it will be cuhhhrazy. Why does life seem to be on fast-forward right now? Can adults get a summer vacation…? No? Okay…just thought I would ask.

ANYYYYways. Let’s talk about this pastel geometric print little number really quick. It’s from that adorable online store that I have told you guys about plenty of times called The Dancing Jewels. They’re having this ridiculous 80% off sale right now…take some time to breathe that in really quick…AND they’ve given me a discount code to share with you guys! This dress is such an awesome fabric, and though it is tight fitting, it’s surprisingly very comfortable! My roommate and I were discussing the fact that it would be a good wedding guest dress (in the summer…for a non-conservative wedding of course) orrrrr maybe just a summer evening party-ish event. Either way, I love it. The neckline is probably my favorite detail — I’ve been loving high necks + thin straps lately.

Okay, enough ranting for now. Go check out The Dancing Jewels online, and also check their instagram for the giveaway they’re having right now for store credit!

One more thing: don’t forget to use this code!!

ASHLEYXTDJ for 10% off site wide!

the-dancing-jewels-dress-polka-dots-and-sailor-stripes kate-spade-licorice-heels-polka-dots-and-sailor-stripesrebecca-minkoff-clutch-polka-dots-and-sailor-stripes geometric-dress-polka-dots-and-sailor-stripespastel-geometric-high-neck-dress-polka-dots-and-sailor-stripes the-dancing-jewels-dress-geometric-polka-dots-and-sailor-stripesnude-pointed-toe-pumps-polka-dots-and-sailor-stripes summer-dress-polka-dots-and-sailor-stripesThe Dancing Jewels Dress (I am wearing a size Small) | Forever 21 Sunglasses | Rebecca Minkoff Clutch | kate spade heels 


Photography by: Allyson Clark {My lovely roomie}

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