BK04-048 TRANSPARENT DRAWINGWe live in curved spacetime. At least this is what the theory of relativity tells us. Space is curved by gravity. Therefore the space upon which we inhabit the earth is curved. It is not linear.

Yet we operate as if our world is square and true. We draw straight lines in abstract space and think that they are perfect. And we draw these lines without regard to the most fundamental nature of our surroundings.

Before, we touched on the theories of Hunderwasser who stated that there are no straight lines. And now we have the theory of Relativity chiming in to back up his claim. I guess when you get Einstein and Hunderwasser on the same page, we better sit up and pay attention.

To get a better image of the non Euclidean curved space concept, imagine that our world is the surface of a sphere. In this curved world, the shortest distance between two points is not a straight line. In fact, a straight line could not exist in this type of world. In curved spacetime, the shortest distance between two points is a curved line. This scenario was first put forth by Helmholtz in his Popular Scientific Lectures.

I bring this to your attention because part of the mission of Transparent Drawing is to shift your perceptions out of the common and comfortable. The more that our worldview is shaken up somewhat, the more we will think and see clearly.

So give it a try. Make a drawing of a container using no straight lines and see what happens.

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