When You Don’t Think Anyone Notices


The change was subtle. I didn’t think he would notice. A little less spice, a little more brown sugar. An hour of simmering on the stove to develop the flavors, the heat, the harmony between each ingredient.

I never enjoyed cooking before marriage. Before I had a family, quicker was always better. But now, this was my love offering to them. Although I no longer brought home a paycheck, I could do this.

I watched them enjoy each bite. I laughed after hearing my two-year-old say with satisfaction, “Mmmmm. Yummy.” It made it all worth it. Even the meals where I couldn’t convince him to take one bite.

He didn’t notice the change. But it didn’t matter. We were all here together, talking and eating and conversing about our day. We were in a warm house with the wood stove crackling and we were safe and full.

No act of love goes unnoticed by the One who is Love.

It all matters. Each stir of the pot, each scrub of the dish and brush of the cheek.

If you’re feeling like no one sees the offering you’ve poured day in and day out for your loved ones, know without a doubt that someone does. He takes delight in each act.

He knows your name and He rejoices over you with singing.

He sees what no one else does.

*Linking up with Five Minute Friday. Five minutes of free writing on one word. Always challenging. Always beautiful and fun. Click the button below to learn more.

20 thoughts on “When You Don’t Think Anyone Notices

  1. What a sweet picture of the little boy and dog. It is wonderful all the little things that we do as moms. We are blessed and we will never have to worry about not having a job. Although some days it might be quit nice to not work. It is all those little things like decorating, hanging up pretty clothes and cleaning the toilet that help those we love feel special. I appreciate your post. Thanks for the great reminder. I try to do all things for the Lord because I know He sees and cares about everything we do.


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