Monday's Music Moves Me

Spicy Music

Welcome to Monday’s Music Moves Me on Sundays!  It’s the fifth day of May which marks Mexico’s victory over the Second French empire in 1862. My great-grandfather was a full-blooded Spaniard. His parents came from Spain and it was the Spanish who conquered Mexico.  Let’s spice up the dance floor with this week’s theme, Latin artists singers/songwriter and musicians.  

This is a music genre I enjoy listening to quite a bit, especially when its flavored with a rock vibe. I can only name a few Latin artists by name so this gives me the opportunity for new discoveries.  Breezing through an online article, I sampled the bands’ music I found in it.  I didn’t know any of the groups mentioned.

In today’s line up,  I’m featuring the 1969 American brown-eye soul group from Los Angelos California known as El Chicano. The first track on my playlist is a jazzy cover of the 1940s trumpeter, Gerald Wilson, sonThe band popularized jazz trumpeter, Gerald Wilson’s song Viva Tirado and a hit on LA radio stations where the jazzy cover stayed #1 for 13 weeks.  You’ll find this track along with 11 more for your listening pleasure on The Best of El Chicano YT playlist. Click play to enjoy!



Remember music themes are only suggestions.  I don’t care one way or another.  The important thing is to share whatever music moves you. Now, it’s your turn!

This is a music link up.  Your post must contain at least one song or your URL is marked “No Music”.


I thought I’d finish things up by adding my responses to Ellen’s Friendly Fill-ins

1. I decided it’s best to take time away from blogging but not until after Memorial Day but even then I plan to keep 4M running weekly.
2. Just because I don’t respond to each of your posts doesn’t mean I didn’t see them or not interested but my time is stretched.
3. Am I the only one who is feeling a bit overwhelmed with blogging?
4. I used to blog daily, but then I learned for sanity to purposes the importance of scaling back.



Have a boogietastic week! 


  • Nicole/DVArtist

    I’m sorry I have not been up on commenting. lupus has been kicking my butt. I’m here now though. Love the music!!! My brother and I used to dance and we always added some Latin to the show. Your art is FABULOSA!!! Have a very nice evening.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Visits and comments don’t have to be done a specific time or day. My blog is open any time and I recently fixed my older posts to not close to commenting so you don’t have to worry about that now. Thanks for stopping by, Nicole!

  • Debbie D.

    I love Latin music and sampled the entire El Chicano playlist. What a great band and one I wasn’t familiar with! Thanks for the introduction, Cathy. 🙂

    “3. Am I the only one who is feeling a bit overwhelmed with blogging?”
    You are NOT the only one! I’ve been struggling with that for a few years now. 😛 Blogging is supposed to be fun, so just follow your muse, as time allows. Your community will always support you. 🌞

    • Cathy Kennedy

      You’re right about one’s community support. Mine is the best! This summer I am going to make more of an attempt to stay off grid but as you said do it as I want to. Thanks for the encouragement and for being such a good friend!

  • Eugi

    Nice music and I like it! Yeah, I know what you mean about blogging. Keeping up can be tiring. Have a great week ahead.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Blogging shouldn’t be any of these things. We push ourselves too much and that removes the fun in what we love, so maybe we all need to reshape our thinking what’s best for us and the community as a large. I’d rather someone keep blogging sporadically instead of leaving it altogether. It’s sad when friends are lost like that and you just don’t know what happened. Thanks for understanding, my dear!

  • messymimi's meanderings

    What a fun theme and great music!

    You are right, it gets to be a stretch sometimes, this blogging. It can take a lot of time and you need to do what’s best for you. Know, of course, you have amnesty from ever having to comment on my blog, or reply to me on yours, we all do what we can and we are friends.

    Speedy and Slowpoke were two of my favorites growing up!

    • Cathy Kennedy

      Thank you, Mimi! I will remember that. I may try clicking the “Like” button i that’s an option whenever and where ever I can. This would certainly help to elevate pressure due to time restraints. Just know you’re welcome any time to not leave a comment and just click ‘like’ instead. That way, I’ll know you visited and when I can I know who to do return visits to. It sounds like a good system anyhow. 🙂

  • 15andmeowing

    Perfect theme for this week. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I know what you mean about blogging. 🙂 XO

  • Birgit Bedesky

    This is great music. I love Latin music and, I bet, we will see Santana and Ricky Martin this week. I always read every post but lose time to respond often. I never want to feel it is a stress, although, sometimes, I do. I just feel overwhelmed right is so many people in trouble financially. This will never change. I’ve been in this industry too long. I’ve been very sleepy during the day but it could be my pain and I have that Eptein Barr Virus.

    • Cathy Kennedy

      How cool, you’re going to see Santana and Ricky Martin this week. That’ll be awesome, I bet! No need to feel stressed, just go with the flow of things. All is good and I do understand. I’m sorry to read you’re about your medical issues causing you trouble. Remember to take care of yourself first. The rest of the world can wait! xo

    • Cathy Kennedy


      I’m glad you were able to visit. Life get in the way sometimes, so I get what you’re saying and know I understand! The important thing is you, do what’s needed on your end and everything else will take care of itself. 😉

  • John Holton

    You’re going to laugh: I also have “Viva Tirado” on my list, which you’ll see tomorrow. I was in the school band in freshman year of high school and a few of us would jam to that one….

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