I received products from Havahart for my review. All opinions are my own.

Along our driveway, we have “flower beds”. I say “flower beds” because the neighborhood critters seem to think I have supplied them with a botanically decorated restroom. I googled how to keep critters out of the garden and came up with a couple easy to do tips. The first tip was to sprinkle cayenne powder around the area. The theory was that the scent of the powder would keep them away. Well go figure, after a couple of Costco sized tubs of cayenne powder, I figured out that our neighborhood critters seem to like the spice or they simply are not be able to smell. Then I found the tip to use hazelnut shells as ground cover. This tip had the thought that the critters (slugs included) wouldn’t like the sharp edges. Luckily, I have two hazelnut groves within a close drive. I purchased enough shells to for about a two inch deep cover. Again, our neighborhood critters didn’t mind the new landscape. This year, I am going to use Critter Ridder around our “flower beds” and new raised garden beds.

For my review, I received Critter Ridder Animal Repellant spray and Granular Shaker.


Critter Ridder products help to repel squirrels, cats, raccoons, dogs, skunks, chipmunks and groundhogs. Critter Ridder is made with three peppers, the oil of black pepper, piperine and capsaicin. Studies show that Critter Ridder works on the animal’s smell, taste and touch. The website says that the sensation is similar to us biting into a red-hot jalapeno. (I won’t do that twice!)


To use Critter Ridder, you sprinkle or spray the product around the area you wish to protect. I am using Critter Ridder around my flower beds and garden area. It can also be used around garbage cans, birdfeeders, indoor potted plants, storage areas, basements, cellars, sheds, barns and more. Each application of Critter Ridder last for approximately 30 days.


I have had my Critter Ridder products for a short time. I think they are working but I will really know if they are working this spring when I start working in the garden and flower beds.

In addition to Critter Ridder, Havahart also offers Easy Set traps, Deer Off spray, DeFence products and Spray Away.

You can purchase Critter Ridder on the Havahart website. Connect with Havahart on facebook, twitter and pinterest.

One lucky winner is going to receive a Critter Ridder Animal Repellant spray and Granular Shaker. This is a US giveaway and it will end on 02/05/2014. Good Luck!




This post currently has 15 responses.

  • Thanks for sharing this information on Havahart’s Critter Ridder products!

  • Michelle Hamilton

    I would like to try Critter Ridder® Animal Repellent, Ready-To-Use Spray.

  • Carol Vanderwalker

    Have used many of their products and the products designed to keep animals away work, but you have to be diligent in their reapplication.

  • Buddy Garrett

    Ever time I try to log onto your website I encounter a virus.

    • emmy

      I haven’t had anyone else express that they have had problems – can you take a screenshot of the error message (or page, etc) that you get when you try to come to my site?

  • ivory phillips

    critter ridder did not work for me, I use the whole 160z spray bottle. The dog still runs up to my fence aggressively. What else can I use. Help.

  • Dolf


    Did it work????


  • Jen

    Didnt work at all for my pesky little raccoon! It doesnt bother him at all! He still literally knocks on my door for hours on end! Time to call in a professional.

    • Dolf

      Why not give him a bowl of cat food? That’s what we do. They are so cute and smart. The professional will most likely kill him.

  • Wendy Mikkelson

    I was excited to find something at the hardware store to repeal cats because they use the lawn and the half barrel as a cat box, but mostly because they climb the pine and kill the birds and babies during the night.

    I was very disappointed when I opened the lid of this good sized container to find that it was only a little over half full….hmmmm, why such a big container? I think maybe to make it look like there was more product for the price. That’s just me. It’s not cheap let’s just say that. What is left to find out is if it works. Folks, try a new paint can and some m

  • Wendy Mikkelson

    try some moth balls in a paint can with holes drilled…you might be happier and save money.

  • maria quinones

    Just go to the garbage and put your money in there. I put it all around the house next morning the cats here playing and running al over it. pure junk and false advertising…

  • George

    Dont waste your money. The squirrels were not deterred. They ate the cucumbers etc covered with this.

  • Orville Jean-Jacques

    Would critter ridder work at repelling slugs? I read an article that strong odors, like fennel and rosemary are deterrents. Wondering if Critter Ridder could do the trick also.

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