
I love children’s books and collected them before I became a mommy, but now that I have Little C and a new baby on the way I love books for children even more.  Most children’s books either are great learning tools or teach great life lessons.  When asked if I wanted to review Sam and Coodles The Room at the End of the Hall, I was really glad to get the opportunity.  Little C gets so excited when we get books in the mail.

I knew what Sam and Coodles The Room at the End of the Hall was about before I read it, but I didn’t let Little C know.  I just read it as I would any other book.  Sam and Coodles The Room at the End of the Hall is about a little boy named Sam who is about to become a big brother.  His parents are getting a new room set up for him so that his new baby sister can have his room.  Sam is very apprehensive about moving to the new room.  He feels like it is very far away from his mommy and daddy and he also thinks the room is scary.  By the end of the book Sam has accepted his new room and is excited about becoming a big brother.

I feel like Sam and Coodles The Room at the End of the Hall is such a good book because so many children can relate to the subject matter.  Little C can relate in a sense.  He isn’t having to move rooms, but he is having to make some big changes.  Little C is having to give up his playroom and a few pieces of furniture for the new baby on the way.  We of course are replacing his furniture with what we call “big boy” furniture, but it took Little C a little while to come around to the idea.  Giving up his playroom has also been quite an adjustment.  Our baby isn’t due until November, but we are getting Little C in the habit of not putting any of his toys in the playroom.  He just doesn’t understand and asks me quite often when he is going to have his playroom back.  He is very excited to become a big brother, but he didn’t realize the changes that were going to have to take place.  It helped for him to know that other kids have trouble with having new babies in their houses and Sam and Coodles The Room at the End of the Hall helped him understand just a little better.  I’m sure this is a book that will be read several times before the baby comes and probably quite a few after it arrives.  It just gives reassurance that it is okay to have questions and to be afraid sometimes.  Getting bigger can be a scary thing.

Thanks to Adrienne Durkin, the author of Sam and Coodles The Room at the End of the Hall, my Little C now has a book that he can totally relate to!  If you are expecting a new baby in your house I highly recommend this excellent new children’s book.  For more information about Sam and Coodles make sure to find them on Facebook and Twitter.





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