New Department of Homeland Security tactic in face of continued illegal immigration

| November 25, 2023

Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agents are expected to ask illegal aliens for their “preferred pronouns.” They are also being asked to use gender-neutral language. Border Patrol agents are not supposed to use “he, him, she, her” pronouns until they receive information from the individual about what they identify as. Agents also need to be mindful that transgenders may identify as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

From The Daily Wire:

The agency goes on to demand that Customs and Border Patrol agents do not use “‘he, him,’ ‘she her’ pronouns until you have more information about, or provided by, the individual.” CBP agents are also instructed to not use words like “Mr,” “Mrs,” “sir” or “ma’am.”

“Keep in mind that gender identity (sense of self) and sexual orientation (attraction) are separate and distinct; hence, transgender people, for example, may identify as heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual,” the document also reads. “The terms and definitions in this job guide are not universal. Some LGBTQI+ individuals may define these terms differently.”

The Department of Homeland Security’s insistence on the adoption of new terminology comes amid a historic crisis on the southern border. An estimated 1.7 million illegal immigrant gotaways have made their way into the United States since President Joe Biden took office.

Rep. Mark Green (R-TN), Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, says the guidance is an insult to agents begging for more resources to combat the illegal immigration crisis at the border.

“Border Patrol agents are crying out for tools and policies that will help them do their jobs, but are being handed manuals on misgendering instead,” Green told The Daily Wire. “This makes a mockery of those who are doing their best to keep our borders secure.”

The Daily Wire has additional information here.

Category: Get woke, Good Idea Fairy, Illegal Immigrants

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Call them as what they are, “Illegal”, period.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

How about “asshole”, “f++kface”, or “shitehead”?
Those gender neutral enough for ya?

Skivvy Stacker

I always liked “hairbag”, “dirtbag”, “barfbag”, “dogbreath”, and “nosebleed”…courtesy of Mick Belcher on Hill Street Blues.


They should also make them attend at least one Drag Queen story hour at the closest border town. Also, really dig into the pronoun thing by asking their kids if they really are a boy or a girl, and maybe mommy and daddy hadn’t allowed them the chance to explore the other option.

Heck, this might work better than a wall.


I was thinking the same thing. We should embrace the shit out of this idea. Definitely make the kids watch a drag show and get story time from a drag queen prior to entry. Let them know “the bottom surgery” is fully available.

pookysgirl, WC wife

I feel like there needs to be a meme for this. The “beware of running illegals” sign, a picture of a drag queen story hour, then the illegals sign pointed in the other direction.

Old tanker

This administration isn’t a mockery, it’s a freaking tragedy.


Well it was all that I could do
To keep from cryin’…


Sometimes it seemed so useless to remain…


Good Lord, call a spade a spade whydoncha.


They’re insane.


The worst response by Bush to 9/11 was the creation of DHS.
He saw it as a great opportunity and man was he ever right.


Don’t worry, the trillions of phone calls they monitor every year is for your safety and would never, ever, ever, ever be misused.


DHS, another governmental good idea, poorly executed. The intent was to promote intelligence and information sharing, preventing “stovepiping”. Aaaand what did we get, boys and girls? You guessed it, more layers of bureaucracy, legally questionable policies, and a triple shitload of additional stovepipes.

Hack Stone

Who is the lucky Border Patrol Agent who gets to ask this individual for their personal pronouns.


Dat’s a lotta tat. I’ll bet he is un-enrolled and gender neutral.


Pretty sure the proper term for such is non-uniformed enemy combatant.





Set up a free fire zone on our side of the border and that way these illegal invaders can identify as DRT. That can be their alphabet identifier. Win Win!

We are not only being invaded…we have been invaded.



Misgendering someone is such an egregious crime that it cannot be allowed, even for those committing the [former] crime of illegally crossing our borders.

Think about it like this: the vast majority of those crossing our southern border are people for whom the term “Woke”, and the acronym “DEI” have no meaning. They are also people who, by and large, could care less about “transgenderism” and such. I’d venture to guess that most are anti-LBGTQIAMAP@%STD. But, and it’s a big butt, they will remember the narrative when it comes time to let their voices be heard. Whether citizen status is waived, they receive a mass naturalization, or they go through the previous method of getting voting rights through individual naturalization, they will remember that Democrats “supported them”, while Republicans were the “evil far-Right anti-immigration” establishment. Meanwhile, the LBGTQIAMAP@%STD crowd will recall how inclusive the Democrats, particularly Ol’ Klan Joe from the Racist Great State of Delaware, were in this and maintain their Dem votes.

I say we electrify the Rio Grande, make illegal entry a capital crime, and depot everyone who hasn’t entered this country through legal methods.


And, that should read “deport”, not to be confused with the Despot in Name Only (DINO).


Was the “STD” part a Freudian slip??😂😂😂


Attention CBP agents, some migrants from Central and South American countries may hold traditional gender identity/role concepts and think you’re crazy, don’t understand what you’re talking about and/or call you “puto” or “pendejo” for extending expanded pronoun choice to them but you should continue to do so for the sake excouraging greater inclusivity and understanding on their part eventually!

Last edited 6 months ago by Anonymous
jeff LPH 3 63-66

All I have to say is WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF WTF, only in Amerika land of,, I’ll stop there so not to spoil The Drifters Only in America 1963 recording.

Slow Joe

I wonder who is really making decisions at the White House.
Somehow I see a group of twentysomethings recently graduated from college deciding the future of our country.


That’s almost scarier than the millions of illegal military aged males now here!!

Prior Service

How long until the first agent has a complaint lodged against them? And then is punished for it because, yes, it’s true, he did call Enrique a man because, yea, it’s pretty freaking obvious?


Yep, Prior Service you called it. When the Agent is punished, the “offended” person gets immediate citizenship, a SNAP card, and welfare, plus a free pass for all of their family back in Latino land.


It’s a bigger made-up crime than lashing them with horse reins.


Hell, I thought the new tactic was going to be a bounty on their asses. Just guess I was hoping for something more meaningful and effective. Damn it!


This article could be posted under stupid people of the week and it would fit just fine.

A Proud Infidel®™

More shit-for-brained fuckduck bullshit from this administration hell-bent on running our Nation as far into the ground as fast and hard as it can.


They’re pushing for a rebellion, an uprising, so they can suspend the constitution and bring in Marshall law.

Let antifa and blm burn cities, loot businesses, harrass and threaten Supreme Court justices or anybody they don’t agree with and it’s all yawns and boring.

Let the people who are trying to do stuff the right, legal way, Let them get fed up and begin protesting, well by golly, we got us an insurrection. Lock their asses up and toss the fricken key.

FJB, his puppet masters, the globalist, and anybody else who wants to wreck and ruin this country that most of us love.

Green Thumb



We keep electing clowns and then act shocked when our country is a circus.🤡