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Kari Lake Files Appeal . . . How Do Clearly Deficient Democrats Surprisingly Win Elections?

March 6, 2023 Frontpage No Comments


PHOENIX — A man pastes 1,000 feathers on his body, starts flapping his arms frantically, but when you say you think he won’t fly successfully, you’re denounced as a flight denier.
A man stuffs three tons of building materials into a cannon, blasts them into the sky toward a vacant lot, but when you say you doubt this is the right way to assemble a new home, you’re denounced as a construction denier.
A cook writes a recipe saying that any combination of straw, butter, and rocks put into a mixing bowl is guaranteed to produce a perfect dinner, but when you say this can’t be nutritious, you’re attacked as a gourmet denier.
The Democratic Party nominated clearly unqualified, incapable, ill-prepared candidates who are declared to have won their elections, but when you say this appears very dubious, you’re denounced as an election denier.
Perhaps among the highest profile of these election cases have been Democrats Joe Biden as president, John Fetterman as U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, and Katie Hobbs as governor of Arizona.
Meanwhile, Hobbs’ gubernatorial opponent, Kari Lake, announced she filed an appeal of that outcome with the Arizona Supreme Court. Lake also was to have a major speaking role at this year’s national Conservative Political Action Conference, despite Arizona corruptocrats’ efforts to suppress her.
Donald Trump, the Republican incumbent president in 2020 who had put the U.S. on a positive path, had legitimate questions about how the clearly elderly, basement-dwelling Biden managed — after an intriguingly delayed and extended vote count — to far exceed the vote total of his charismatic Democratic presidential predecessor, Barack Obama, and be declared the president starting in 2021.
Mocking and denouncing Trump weren’t satisfactory answers to his curiosity, nor were assertions that everything went correctly in the 2020 pandemic election that featured significantly altered and changing voting procedures.
Even if Biden managed to be legitimately elected then, the videos of a dangerously aged, mumbling and confused old man these days should be reason to remove him from office through the 25th Amendment or impeachment before he stumbles the world-power United States into greater tragedy.
Impeachment? Just by itself, Biden’s flagrant flouting of U.S. immigration law which flooded this nation with drug-pushing and sex-trafficking criminals is evidence of his betraying his oath of office.
The Mexican cartels are said to control the border, a perilous surrender of U.S. sovereignty that, however, doesn’t worry open-borders Dems including Biden, Fetterman, and Hobbs. Hobbs quickly set about removing a border barrier in southwestern Arizona while arranging for illegal immigrants to be transported where they pleased in the U.S., which had not been approved by the Arizona legislature.
Would you feel safe if Biden were the pilot of your commercial jetliner? Then what about his far more perilous role as commander in chief? If you say Biden’s advisers will prevent tragedy, that’s about like saying Biden should fly your jet because the co-pilot can always jump in to prevent his crashing.
Meanwhile, wife Jill Biden wearing a rosary around her neck while she promoted sexual immorality to African young people appropriately summarized the Bidens wrapping themselves in Catholic cloaks while leading people into massive sins and infant-slaughter.
On February 27 LifeSiteNews posted a photo of Dr. Jill wearing the rosary as if it were a piece of neck jewelry — perhaps to mislead her audience into thinking she was acting as a faithful Catholic.
LifeSite reported that during a five-day trip to Namibia and Kenya, “the First Lady stopped by the Shujaaz Konnect Festival in Nairobi, Kenya, where she dropped in on a watch party for ‘MTV Shuga,’ an African drama series that aims to promote ‘sexual and reproductive health and rights’.”
The news service said that according to press pool notes, Mrs. Biden said, “[I] really applaud you for wanting to learn more about [the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief] and HIV/AIDS and financial literacy and safe dating and safe sex. You know, these are issues that really all people need to talk about them [sic]. Yet, somehow, they don’t, and the consequences of not talking about it are so dire. So, I love seeing the young people here.”
She reportedly commended young people who take the message of artificial contraception into their churches.
Virginia Catholic Mary Ann Kreitzer commented on February 28 at her Les Femmes — The Truth blog: “What a mockery of God! May Jesus, who died for all these faux Catholics who lie and lie and lie, have mercy for ‘They know not what they do!’ But one day, if they don’t repent, they will find out and pay the price!”
Then there’s Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman, still serving his first months as a U.S. senator. Or, actually, not serving as senator because of two rapid hospitalizations. I won’t cast aspersions on the judgment of the voters of the Keystone State by saying that I think he actually defeated Republican Mehmet Oz, M.D., last November.
The hulking left-wing extremist Fetterman clearly was a candidate with a red “Danger” label pasted on his forehead, a stroke survivor in the election year who usually wore a hoodie in public and had trouble processing people’s speech — his and others’.
In early February new senator Fetterman spent a few days in the hospital over concerns about his physical condition as a stroke survivor, then he was released. Hardly had he got out, though, before he checked himself in for clinical depression, where he remained as this was written overnight on March 1-2.
On February 16 USA Today quoted Fetterman’s chief of staff, “While John has experienced depression off and on throughout his life, it only became severe in recent weeks.”
Was that due to the pressure of serving in the U.S. Senate, which we had been assured this physically and mentally impaired man could tackle successfully?
On February 27 the Associated Press reported his office said that he was expected to be out for several more weeks.
So populous Pennsylvania was lacking full representation in the U.S. Senate — just as Arizona had experienced as Sen. John McCain died of cancer five years ago.

Extensive Examinations

Meanwhile, Arizona Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs had continued in her role of supervising Arizona elections in 2022 despite her Republican gubernatorial foe, the Trump-endorsed Kari Lake, calling for her to recuse herself from overseeing her own election.
To top this off, the two major officials in populous Maricopa County supervising the vote were openly MAGA-hating Republicans, Board of Supervisors Chairman Bill Gates and County Recorder Stephen Richer.
On the November 8 Election Day, when large numbers of Republicans were expected at the polls, Maricopa County mysteriously suffered massive problems at voting centers throughout the day, drastically delaying or denying many people’s attempts to cast their ballots.
However, a Superior Court judge on Christmas Eve and three-judge Arizona Court of Appeals on February 16 declared that Maricopa’s balloting was conducted acceptably. The judges brushed aside numerous problems and difficulties that left Republican voters fuming in November.
The Just the News site reported on March 1 that Lake tweeted that she filed her election-integrity case with the Arizona Supreme Court and said, “Pray for our attorneys. Pray for the judges. Pray for justice. Pray for America.”
Investigative reporter Tracy Beanz has posted some extensive examinations of the manipulated vote here in 2022 that are worth your attention. One is “Fraud in the Arizona Election: There’s No Evidence!!”, posted at Uncover DC on February 23.
In it Beanz writes, “The 2020 election aside, I don’t think another election in modern history has been so transparently broken/stolen/mismanaged to the point of utter chaos than the Arizona midterm election in 2022.
“It was so clearly a mess that to deny such, in order to proclaim ‘there is no evidence, and a judge said so, too’,” you must literally twist yourself into a pretzel and bury your head in the sand,” Beanz said.
Another Beanz article is, “The Kari Lake Decision is a Travesty: Here’s One Reason Why,” posted at Uncover DC on December 28.
Beanz writes that the Superior Court judge “ignored all of the legitimate evidence of intentional wrongdoing presented in the case, ignored perjury right in front of him by witnesses from Maricopa County, and glossed over serious election issues that, were the law to have been followed correctly, would have constituted a new election at a minimum, and a Lake victory at a maximum.”
Despite the corrupt establishment’s efforts to suppress Lake here, she was to have a major speaking role at the national Conservative Political Action Conference’s Ronald Reagan Dinner in the Washington, D.C., area on March 3, after this hardcopy issue of The Wanderer went to press.
Other scheduled speakers included Trump, U.S. Senators Ted Cruz, Rick Scott, J.D. Vance, congressional members Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Byron Donalds, James Comer, former Cong. Tulsi Gabbard, presidential candidate Nikki Haley, and former Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.

Attack On Trump

In Arizona, the radical leftist Hobbs, lacking an appealing personality, ran her gubernatorial campaign from the basement, refused to debate both her Democrat primary opponent and Lake as the GOP nominee, and was behind in the polls.
But after the November 8 vote suppression, an extended vote count and lack of election integrity, Hobbs, the establishment-blessed candidate, was proclaimed to have won narrowly, by fewer than 18,000 votes out of about 2.5 million cast.
The pro-abortion extremist Hobbs wasn’t a politician who made splashes in publicity as secretary of state. She bided her time and waited, with friendly media on her side. However, those who kept an eye on her knew she was no friendly moderate.
Back in 2017 Hobbs had tweeted that Trump “has made it abundantly clear he’s more interested in pandering to his neo-Nazi base” than being president for all Americans.
Yes, to Hobbs Trump supporters are “neo-Nazis.”
She also tweeted in 2017 that Trump “is on the side of the freaking Nazis. Don’t just say stuff — DO SOMETHING!!!”
In 2016, before the presidential election, Hobbs tweeted, “There is so much deplorable at Trump rallies, it’s hard to keep track.” Also, before that election, Hobbs tweeted, “If Trump wins, we won’t have a country to move out of.” The previous year Hobbs sneered, “There are Trump tee-shirts. And people not embarrassed to wear them. In airports.”
When a Democrat narrowly won a special election for a U.S. Senate seat in 2017 in Alabama, Hobbs gleefully tweeted, “Thank you, voters of Alabama — we’re one seat closer to stopping the Trump agenda. We just saw what happens when we fight in every zip code, in every state. Let’s make it happen in Arizona in 2018!!”
Uncharacteristically with the rest of this bile, right after Trump won the 2016 election, Hobbs tweeted, “Love does trump hate. I don’t understand Trump voters, but I want to work with them to make an America that works for everyone.”
However, as soon as she got into the governor’s chair in 2023, Hobbs wasn’t working with Arizona’s majority-Republican legislature. Instead, she defied them, issued vetoes, refused to talk things out, apparently planned to divert nonpartisan inaugural donations to Democrat campaigns for 2024, and quickly announced an effort to defeat Republicans — even though this was early in the legislative session, when priorities should be different.
On February 28 the Arizona Daily Independent posted the text of a letter to Hobbs from GOP legislative leaders that warned her of the problems she was creating, including her veto of a reasonable state budget and announcement of her campaign to flip the legislature to Democrat control.
Arizona House Speaker Ben Toma and Senate President Warren Petersen also said: “In our first and only meeting to discuss the budget, your office stated it was unwilling to receive feedback or take questions. Obviously, we need some level of agreement to pass a budget. We believe we can achieve most of our priorities and include yours that are reasonable.”
Their letter began: “Legislative leadership is struggling with the contrary messaging coming from your office in the past week. Last Tuesday and merely 50 days into your term as governor, you created and committed funding to your ‘Flip the Leg Fund.’ As characterized by The Arizona Republic, ‘the timing of the announcement brought criticism in itself. Hobbs needs at least some Republicans to pass a budget, but the new “Flip the Leg” fund provides a potential disincentive to work with her.’
“The very next day,” the legislators added, “we received a request from your office to discuss priorities and identify differences to avoid a government shutdown. The legislative budget you vetoed on February 16th represented shared, ongoing funding priorities.”

Cartel Power

In a separate development, a woman who testified at the end of a daylong legislative hearing about election integrity alleged that various Arizona officials took bribes from drug cartels. The alleged recipients included Hobbs, left-wing Democrat Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, and House Speaker Toma.
Although cartel power is undeniable, Republican leaders distanced themselves from this testimony.
Toma blamed new GOP State Rep. Liz Harris for setting up the testimony. Toma said in a statement: “What should have been a joint hearing to examine commonsense election reforms devolved into disgraceful fringe theater. I’m not alone in believing that it was irresponsible and bad judgment for Ms. Harris to invite a person to present unsubstantiated and defamatory allegations in a legislative forum.”

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2019 The Wanderer Printing Co.

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Joseph Matt
President, The Wanderer Printing Co.

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Catholic Replies

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