
Mystery Girlfriend of Asamoah Gyan-Priscilla Safo Has Some Damn Foul Mouth | Says Ghanaians are Fools…

Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan Girlfriend (2)
Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan’s Mystery Girlfriend

Following GhanaCelebrities.Com’s publication last week about a certain Priscilla Safo who popped up as the girl being chopped down by Ghanaian football star-Asamoah Gyan, several television stations in Ghana picked our report—and it seems Asamoah Gyan threw some strong words the way of Priscilla which got her upset…

Priscilla Safo who is said to be a relative of Apostle Safo Kantanka took to her facebook to throw some insults at those who did put her out there, saying, Ghanaians are fools…

Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan girlfriend (2)

From her social media activities, she once endorsed Hon/Lawyer Adwoa Safo, calling her a twin sister—sort of confirming a relation.

From what GhanaCelebrities.Com gathered, the mystery Asamoah Gyan girlfriend-Priscilla Safo has worked as a vixen before in the United States—though unconfirmed. We hear Asamoah Gyan has warned Priscilla to stop the social media bragging and desist from putting his ‘stuff’ online…

Considering her choice of words, she seems to lack a lot in the world of intellect—-and must surely be in love with the money. Asamoah Gyan does not need such biatch foul mouth who calls ‘Ghanaians fools’ around.

Dude, dispose of this one quick…

What do you guys think?

Check out her rants and insults below…

Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan Girlfriend (2)

Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan Girlfriend (3)

Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan Girlfriend (4)

Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan Girlfriend (1)

Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan girlfriend (1)

Priscilla Safo-Asamoah Gyan girlfriend (2)

Asamoah Gyan


Asamoah Gyan Girlfriend (1) Asamoah Gyan Girlfriend (2) Asamoah Gyan girl

Asamoah Gyan Girlfriend (3)


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14 thoughts on “Mystery Girlfriend of Asamoah Gyan-Priscilla Safo Has Some Damn Foul Mouth | Says Ghanaians are Fools…”

  1. Bytch go away with your nonsense you are the fool rather. Kwasia baa. Asamoah Gyan should leave your sorry ass

  2. Look at this SLUTTY CHEAP looking FOOL. How dare she call Ghanaians fools? And what is she? Is she not a Ghanaian? Kwasiabaa, I dont blame her.
    Asamoah Gyan, how can you go from the likes of Sandra A. to this? SMH!

  3. Didn’t I tell you she is a are rather the fool cos Asamoah is just toying with ur tonga,u can chop his money but he has enough to dump ur sorry ass for another.what at all do these boys see in these girls?

  4. Am disappointed of Asamoah Gyan,whilst MUNTARI ,KWADWO ASAMOAH ,BOATENG and co are going for decent women you went for this goods,GYAN DO WHAT IS RIGHT ,THE GIRL CANT INSULT ALL GHANAINS JUST LIKE THAT.

  5. But my thing is, what is she really going to do if she finds out who put her name in the news…she talks like she has all the money in the world to shut ppl up…tweeeaaaaa…she needs to have several seats…..

  6. Problem with girls like this is whiles Asamoah is looking to have some fun with her, seems she has mistaken it for love Smh.Her looks and choice of words suggests that she is a full fledge Shashii demon. Sia baa

  7. We get it. Asamoah is very pissed cos your so called relationship is in the open now cos guess what , u were supposed to be a secret. A shameful secret. So I get your rage village. U are just a s.e.x object, nothing more. village girl. It saddens my heart that you are also a Ghanaian . We are known to be very classy until I appeared. Smdh

  8. ahh this girl paaa….footballers girlfriend and no class…eee bei….if i was a footballers girl like I would not even wear this…or write such on social media…ahh asamoah gyan paaa you no try krwaa….ahh

  9. Dear Priscal you forgot to replace his headbeats while you decide to use pic,hahahahahhaha…so now I f you will try to explain everything was fake,hmmm…maybe you rent a cr ah he got but headphones…noooo they belong to him and its Duncan hotel,lol

  10. And she forgot to replace his headphone beats in Duncan hotel in Dubai….so no everyone can see she really was with him,hahhah


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