
Oh NO! It Was Not Hollywood After All…It Is Still Nollywood | Yvonne Nelson Stars Alongside Akon, Djimon Hounsou & Others In Nigeria’s Jeta Amata’s New Movie

Yvonne Nelson and Akon

Few days ago, we posted photos of Ghanaian actress-Yvonne Nelson posing for the camera on set with musician-Akon, actors-Djimon Hounsou and Viva Bianca.

Though the photos came across as the usual fan having met a celebrity snapshot, some of you could not just take the fact we said ‘ Akon, Djimon Hounsou and Viva Bianca are not Hollywood names’.

I am not sure what your understanding of Hollywood is if you think Akon, Viva Bianca and Djimon Hounsou are names that can move anything in Hollywood. I just hope you are not confusing any of these names with Denzel Washington.

And I must quickly add that, we have gone through what is a Hollywood movie and what is not on this blog so no need to resurrect that discussing on here.  Having an America star (even if a Hollywood name) in a movie does not automatically make the movie a Hollywood production…

If you thought I was being diabolical by failing to appreciate Yvonne Nelson’s attainment of Hollywood status, I am sorry to disappoint you—-I are right and you are wrong.

It is not a Hollywood kind of party—It is a Nollywood movie being put together by Nigeria’s Jeta Amata who is known for hiring America stars to raise the Nollywood game…(This is how the UK’s Guardian described his production style in a recently article )

If you do know who Nigerian Director/Producer- Jeta Amata is, then I am sure you have not seen/heard of his amazing movie- Black Gold, a drama about the Niger Delta crisis.

Jeta Amata’s Nollywood movie being shot now in America which stars Yvonne Nelson alongside the above named actors is titled ‘Road to Redemption’ (The Curse)….The film centres around Samantha, a medical school graduate who decides to go on a volunteer mission in Nigeria.

She arrives in the village to meet issues of Vesicovaginal fistula (VVF). After realizing she can make a difference in the lives of suffering young women who will never have her advantages, Samantha drags one small corner of the world into the modern era with dramatic consequences.

As we stated the other time, though Yvonne Nelson is not anywhere near being called Hollywood, it is great to see her get some work done.

Yvonne Nelson and Djimon Hounsou

Yvonne Nelson and Viva Bianca1

Yvonne Nelson and Viva Bianca2


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41 thoughts on “Oh NO! It Was Not Hollywood After All…It Is Still Nollywood | Yvonne Nelson Stars Alongside Akon, Djimon Hounsou & Others In Nigeria’s Jeta Amata’s New Movie”

  1. shame on you Chris. in dat case. no tyler perry film is a hollywood film either. becos he shoots in atlanta and lionsgate is not part of the 6 studios you mentioned in that article. even de new film with Oprah The Butler is also not a Hollywood film. 
    even if its a jeta amata film, at least Yvonne is experiencing life on a hollywood type of set. trailers and good cameras. 
    stop hating. 

  2. Well whether is hollywood, sisterhood, auntiehood, ghallywood, or whateverhood, the baby girl is doing good for her self. She’s not lazy nor relying on someone for bills. I just love her charisma, lets appreciate her good work for once. Chris stop being rude to her because she’s also someone’s dearest. Yvonne keep stepping up your game do not give up.

  3. You guys can never redeem your image without any negative
    Write ups abt NY! Even nigerian tabloid wrote impressively on her achivements. Had it been Jakie?

  4. Well Chris, in America (hollywood) there are categories of celebrities. There are the A list to D list celebrities! Although Djimon may not be in the same category as Oscar wining actor Denzel he has done very well with his blockbuster movies which still makes him a big name star in Hollywood. As far as Akon, Chris pls don’t get me started. Check his rating in the music industry and in Hollywood. Why can’t you just be happy for this Yvone Nelson girl. Rome wasn’t buit in one day meaning everybody gotta start from somewhere. Stay in your lane (u.k) cus u don’t know nothing America nor Hollywood for that matter!

  5. Fnck u chris! You are just a fncking hater!! Get a damn life and leave her the fnck alone. If u cant appreciate where she has achieved in her carreer dont degrade what is obviously a great thing about the girl. How can a blogger be blatant about your hate for this girl? You are acting like a miserable p*ssy, stop it!! Anyway what you say does not change a thing, shes still drop dead gorgeous and is way better than all the desperate chics you keep promoting that nobody cares about. Assh*le

  6. Nollywood and not Hollywood it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day she is cast along side Dijimon Hounsou and Vivia Bianca who are Hollywood actors. Get over it and stop trying to pull Yvonne down each time she claim up.

    • @truth,chris always try to put Yvonne down but is always praising Jackie Appiah.
       Can chris name even one Hollywood actor that his precious Jackie Appiah have acted with?

  7. but i dnt think u guys here at GC are professionals cuz u always bashing at one girl and also praising one girl all de tym…

  8. Chris, u are just a jealous man . Mtchwwwww. Go n work on quality content for ur blog cos it seems to lack that these days.most of ur stories are copy n paste.get a life wai n stop bein a green eyed monster.its not nice. Shame on u!!

  9. YN is doing very please give credit where it is due.why do you hate her that much? please grow up ok……would you have said that if it were Jackie?not matter what you do we still LOVE YN.

  10. never to worry yvonne is not bothered the least about you making money off her name. keep religating in her shadow. eiiii! eye mu ya! skin pain! your jealousy no get swagg at all. akurasi jealousy. villager. 

  11. I guess you just don’t appreciate O’ girl. How can you learn to write words without letters. It’s a step after the other chris. Show some love and stop all these kind jealousy. You make me wanna think some of these celebs pay your bills. Did Yvonne fail to pay her Payo or something? lol. I hope she is not paying attention to all this bull crap and negativity though.

  12. aaba Chris please leave this story alone already. The more you dig into it, the more it sound like you are on a mission to pull YN begging you wai biko………………………

  13. Chris…u were so excited when one of ur articles found its way to sum foreign blog….y can’t u jx be happy fr Yvonne? I still maintain dat u r a SADIST. U might actually think dat u r getting at Yvonne with dis article but instead u r indirectly insulting d director n his choice of “so called Hollywood cast” You r a Ghanaian and dis wud av been d best tym to support ur own…I know u sit behind ur pc/ipad n smile at urself for d controversies u spark on here but seriously u r starting to sound like sum idiot who stumbled on starting a blog by mistake…sorry

  14. Y isnt chris practicing his law? cos all he can do is copy and paste unnecessary stories. he is not as smart as he portrays himself to be. i guess just anyone can get a degree these days. i have never seen a man as jealous as you. you and ur girl are both ugly so i guess you have the right to be jealous of other people.

    • @salute,well said.jealousy will kill least yvonne works for her money.if u are as good as u claim to be,go n practice ur roadside law n lets see wat u can make out of it.mtchwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

  15. Gc dont be like a parrot in life, they talk WAY to much & can’t fly. You guys need to learn from YN cause she is a EAGLE that is silent & has the will power to touch the sky not that Yam legs aka head of Medusa Jackie Appiah with her salt N Pepper dress code

  16. More and more Chris is behaving like a woman well into her menpoause.Constant nagging,complaining and hating on ppl under the guise of being a critic.I recommend Bisa Kdei’s Metanfo video.I think it was sang with u in mind

  17. Chris Vincent. Your hatred of people better than you will probably be the death of you. If jackie head been called to even smell that set, you would have come here to exhalt and colour her.
    Let me tell you seriously that yvonne is working harder than all your mediocre bitches you sleep with and yap about here.
    Yn, keep soaring. Haters can only continue to have sleepless nights. I feel pity for the kind of man you are. God forbid!

  18. Christopher,

    I think you should moderate ALL your comments like Linda Ikeji, Bella Naija, SandraRose and others do.

    Some useless people are on here talking trash all the time just because they refused to be educated.

    If the girl is not starring in a Hollywood movie and you state it as such, what is hating and who said a blogger cannot have his favourite and non-favourite?

    I understand it is extra work to moderate comments but please do and only let those who can talk sense or disagree maturely have their comments show to weed out the total stupidity going on here.


    • @akosuaghana, and all the B.S u have written is what we should rate as “disagreeing maturely”? So who’s useless and uneducated now? If u think u cant stand that heat on GhanaCelebrities, stick to those tabloids uve stated and dont come on here to insult the sensibilities of people u dont know.

      What was the caption YN wrote under those pics she posted/tweeted ? Did she say “yaaay im hollywood now!!”.
      The young lady post pics of herself on set with certain Hollywood actors, you save those pics and write articles based on the pic without consulting her or her manager to boost the ratings of your blog then turn around to caption a follow-up story “OH NO! It’s not Hollywood After All” like she lied/misled her fans that she was on the set of a blockbuster hollywood movie.

      U are not a stranger to this blogger’s incessant N unwarranted attacks on YN so stop acting like the proverbial ostrich. It aint cute.. really.

      I decided not to comment on this thread cos I’ve noticed Chris does certain controversial stories like this one to generate traffic for this blog, (I can’t really blame him cos thats wat a smart blogger does).. But u can’t also fault his readers for reacting like manner cos like the legal saying “He who comes into equity must come wit clean hands”.. Chris is a pocket lawyer let him explain it to u..
      I just had to respond to this buffoonery cos its retarded tbh n thats me being modest. Have a good one N think twice before u write such nonsense next time.

    • @akosuaghana, Let me ask you one simple and matured question.. Have you ever been to a classroom before? Honestly you don’t sound educated to me at all sorry if i am being rude. What is so wrong with what people comment on here? We said the truth but nothing else. Are you Chris’s personal assistant or his sidekick? Damn sometimes wonder if you truly a woman or hermaphrodite because you do not have a woman’s conscience at all. We all woman and wouldn’t allowed any thing to degrade our follow woman. What you could have done was to move to a different article than posting this long rubbish without proper editing. As FOH stated above you should stop coming in here we don’t care how long you’ve been in here but i feel you should stop coming here to write craps.

    • @akosuaghana,

      Thanks for the call out…I’ve always disagreed with big bloggers like John Chow and the many online platforms like MailOnline, HuffingtonPost, SandraRose, TMZ and others who moderate comments.

      However, as John Chow recently said, a blog is not a democracy, it is a dictatorship and as such, moderation to weed out straight unintelligent comments must be put in place.

      I’ve activated our moderation plugin, and the robot will automatically send all pure insulting comments to TRASH. 🙂

      So anyone who wants her comments to be read or seen by others and myself, must think and stay off insults.

  19. oh my gosh!! chris did u mke a pass @ her n she refused u , so ur feeling slighted? or u r. angry bcos she refused to pay. ur usual toll for posting a blog on any celebrity who request 4 it? whatever it is jxt let it go kay? be a good boy okay?

  20. Oh so you do get offended with people’s comments? That’s very funny.  well i think the moderation plugin should trash the nonsense you wrote about YN too. Nonsense!!!


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