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A Superhero Has Joined The WorkFlowy Team. His Name is Stefano.


June 26, 2018


Stefano’s the one in the center of this photo, in the grey suit. He doesn’t normally wear a suit, but he always looks this good.

I’ve been giddy for the last three weeks. Why? Because Stefano J. Attardi has joined the WorkFlowy team, and he’s a game changer. I think of him as Super Jesse. Like me, he has a wide range of skills, spanning design and programming. Unlike me, he’s really good at all of them.

Stefano’s frontend engineering skills will help us increase the pace in which we improve the parts of WorkFlowy you interact with every day. His design skills will help make those improvements sparkle. He’s currently working on a delightful overhaul of the visual design of WorkFlowy, and after that we’ll be working on collaboration oriented features.

Stefano previously worked as a user interface engineer and designer at Facebook, and at a handful of startups including Cloudant and Storehouse. In addition to being very talented, he’s a sweet and thoughtful person. He lives in San Francisco, has an adorable and needy cat, and dresses to kill.

Lastly, Stefano is an avid WorkFlowy user and understands the core values and aesthetic of the product. With the addition of Stefano, our core team now feels whole, and I’m genuinely excited to see where things go from here.



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5 years ago

Almost 2 months after this post and we are witnessing such extraordinary outcomes from this association! Congratulations!!!

Ben Martin
5 years ago

It’s fucking beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!


[…] the primarily the work of Stefano Attardi and Michael Leggett. Stefano is the engineer/designer who joined WorkFlowy recently, and Michael is an amazing designer who has been helping out part time, but whom I haven’t […]

5 years ago

Really excited about new developments! Any news on progress? Thanks

5 years ago

Can’t wait for the next big features you guys give us. Best wishes!

John A. Taylor (@johnataylor)

Welcome, Stefano! Excited to see your work!

Jan vdP
Jan vdP
5 years ago

Welcome Stefano! I hope to see improving Workflowy, without losing it’s simplicity en cleaned up interface. More is less, so keep it simple guys!

5 years ago

Welcome, Stefano!

5 years ago

Great news. Love Workflowy and the clean UI. Keep up the good work.

5 years ago

Benvenuto Stefano!
i am sure WF will sparkle with your contribution!

5 years ago

All a’board!

Make it all happen, Stefano!

5 years ago

Nice to see that Workflowy is gearing up for us 🙂
Can’t wait for the reminders feature !!
All the best

Tim Woodward
5 years ago

Onwards and upward, welcome Stefano! 😊 (go seek out my idea for tweaking WorkFlowy for authors… would be a great interface option!)

5 years ago

Looking at his portfolio. Wow. Just wow. Godspeed, gentlemen.

Looking forward to what he brings to the table.

George Francis
5 years ago

Maybe he can invent a way for clickable http:// URLs to become, instead, human friendly text, a sort of “hypertext”. That level of technology is sci-fi, I know.

Charlie d'Estries
5 years ago

Stefano… best wishes to you and congrats to Workflowy!

5 years ago

Bring on the front-end sparkle, Stefano!

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