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Saturday, June 1, 2024

How To Boost Your Brand Awareness On Giving Tuesday

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[dropcap]D[/dropcap]espite Giving Tuesday raising $250 million+ in 2016 alone, only 18% of people are aware of the global day; while 90% of people are aware of Black Friday.

The charitable day takes place on the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and is a dedicated day of the year when people are encouraged to donate to a worthy charity. If you run or market a non-profit, read our top tips on how to boost brand awareness on Giving Tuesday.

Create an Email Marketing Campaign

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to a successful email marketing campaign. With personalized emails accounting for 33% of online fundraising in 2015, you must create segmented emails based on past behaviour, which can increase revenue by 760%.

Email Marketing Videos

Email marketing is easily one of the most effective ways of spreading the good word about your organization. Yet, did you know that incorporating a video can increase your open rates by up to 13%? What’s more, it can increase your conversion rates by a whopping 21%. It’s, therefore, a successful way to encourage charitable donations about your Giving Tuesday cause.

Engage with Existing Donors

People who feel connected with your cause are more likely to donate to your organization. For this reason, it’s vital to engage with existing donors to encourage additional charitable contributions. You might not realize it, but 88% of dollars raised comes from 12% of an organization’s donors. Use email marketing automation to regularly engage with an existing community through targeted emails.

giving tuesday

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