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Sunday, June 2, 2024

FORGET UK! Here Are 8 Countries That Welcome Masters’ Students With Dependents

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The UK government has recently tightened its policies on international students bringing dependents into the country. This significant policy shift, effective from earlier this year, restricts the sponsorship of dependents to only those enrolled in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programmes. This move aims to address the concerns around the rising number of dependents accompanying international students and ensure the sustainability of the UK’s higher education infrastructure. As a result, Nigerian master’s students, who often consider the possibility of studying abroad with their families, must now look for alternative destinations that are more accommodating.

Exploring Welcoming Destinations for Master’s Students with Families

Estonia: A Family-Friendly Study Destination

Estonia emerges as a favorable option for Nigerian master’s students planning to study with their families. The country offers a straightforward pathway for students to bring their dependents through a family visa, which is available to families of students enrolled in any educational program. This visa permits dependents to stay in Estonia for up to one year, providing a supportive environment for families during the course of study.

Denmark: Comprehensive Support for Student Families

In Denmark, the availability of a Student Dependent Visa caters specifically to the spouses and unmarried children under 18 of international students. This visa is part of Denmark’s broader green card system, which facilitates family members accompanying their loved ones to Denmark, where they can live and work during the study period.

Australia: Broad Opportunities for Dependents

Australia’s dependent visa category is particularly robust, extending eligibility to spouses, children, and other close family members of Australian citizens, permanent residents, or eligible New Zealand citizens. This policy not only allows families to stay together but also grants them the right to work or study, fully integrating into Australian society.

New Zealand: Special Provisions for Children

New Zealand offers a unique opportunity for dependent children to join their parents and attend primary or secondary schools as domestic students, exempting them from international tuition fees. The Dependent Child Resident visa ensures that children who are financially reliant on their parents can experience a seamless educational journey in New Zealand.

Germany: Family Reunion Visas

Germany’s approach focuses on family reunion, with a specific visa that allows the reunification of spouses, children, and other relatives with those already established in the country. This visa can be adapted to either temporary or permanent stays, depending on the family’s needs and the duration of the student’s academic program.

Canada: An Ambitious Immigration Strategy

Canada is actively expanding its immigration framework to welcome over 460,000 new residents annually through various initiatives, including those for economic growth, family reunification, and refugee assistance. The dependent visa program is a key component of this strategy, allowing international students to bring their families to Canada where they can also work or study.

Finland: Efficient Processing Times for Family Visas

Finland has recently improved its visa service by significantly reducing the average processing time for applications, which now stands at 77 days—a 46% decrease from previous periods. This efficiency makes Finland an attractive destination for families, with the D visa enabling immediate travel following the issuance of a residence permit.

Sweden: Diverse Permit Options for Dependents

Sweden offers a variety of permits to accommodate the dependents of those living in the country, depending on the specific circumstances of the resident. This flexibility ensures that families can be together during the critical study periods, enhancing the educational experience for international students.

In Conclusion: Expanding Horizons Beyond the UK

For Nigerian master’s students affected by the UK’s new restrictive policy on dependents, these countries present viable alternatives that not only welcome students with families but also provide supportive structures to facilitate their stay. These nations recognize the value of family presence in enhancing academic success and cultural adaptation, offering diverse options that cater to the needs of international students and their families. As the landscape of international education evolves, exploring these welcoming destinations can significantly enrich the study abroad experience, ensuring students have the support and resources they need to succeed both academically and personally.

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