“Alpha To The Omega” The “G”reatest “O”rder “D”emonstrated

Must read★★★ The most important read of literature since THUMMA THEOLOGIAE

khalilaliytheenlightenmentbomb's Blog




How do we even try to describe the supreme being… The one which started all existence…

Fore the word “GOD” is too far inferior, as such a disruption has been too far tainted and ruined by mankind and mainly via the newest international language set upon the earth! That of the ENGLISH language and the multiple meanings per word. Such a language is still inferior to the comparisons of “ARABIC” for instance which is millions of times larger and more accurate.

RATIO between the two languages is vastly NONE comparisable

example No1.

For instance, if we was to measure the entirety of the ENGLISH language…. by symbolising a measuring instruments holding water?

The measure tool we will obtain will be a cup?

Please go and retrieve a large cup for this precision of this experiment… Thank you!

Now that you…

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