Good Morning Sweet One

I walked into the kitchen
Greeting the new summer day.
There you were, just outside my window
Swaying on your branch.
A perfect cherry on top
No need to look any further

Cherry on top WPUnfortunately between the breeze and swaying bird the picture is a bit blurry.
Still…. the moment was a great match for this prompt.

Posted for WP Weekly Photo Challenge: Cherry on Top
The cherry on top. The icing on the cake. Or, as the straightforward folks at Oxford Dictionaries explain it, “a desirable feature perceived as the finishing touch to something that is already very good.”

Categories: Photography, The Journey, TreesTags: , , , , ,


  1. Lovely soft words and a fitting image, Arati. [Blurry cherries taste just as good.] Blessings upon the day, my early rising friend!

    Liked by 1 person

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