HGA Episode 5. Book Review On Van TIl’s Apologetic by Greg Bahnsen

Herald of Grace Apologetics

What are we to make of this book called “the Bible”? Van Til taught that Scripture must “identify itself.” There are opinions and standards of assessment outside the Bible that might be used to indicate how to categorize this book, what qualities (virtues or defects, literary or historical or philosophical) it could or does have, and how to interpret its function and place in human experience. But the standard that the Christian applies is the testimony of the Bible about itself; its character and purpose are believed on its own attestation (or witness)—being “self-attesting.” Therefore, Scripture has final authority in the reasoning of the believer.

Bahnsen, Greg L. Van Til’s Apologetic : Readings and Analysis. Phillipsburg, P. & R. Publ, 1998.

Listen to our podcast as we discuss and review (Taglish) Greg Banhsen’s Van Til’s Apologetics. Today, with Brother Steven, we started our discussion of Chapter 3: A Simple Summary and Illustration.

3.1 Apologetics as a Conflict Between Final Authorities

3.2 An Implicit Clash of Entire Worldviews (Thus Methods Too)

In this podcast, we also explained the Impossibility of the Contrary in layman’s terms.

To God be the glory!

Published by Jeff Chavez

Making the learning of Biblical Languages free, normative, enjoyable, and available because we received the gospel freely.

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