

Happy Death Day 2U (2019) - Movie Poster
Courtesy of Universal / Blumhouse

While this sequel to the GROUNDHOG DAY-inspired slasher hit HAPPY DEATH DAY continues to pay homage to a Bill Murray standard as well as Wes Craven‘s SCREAM franchise, it owes every bit as much to the likes of BACK TO THE FUTURE PART II, REAL GENIUS, and the grossly underappreciated THE FINAL GIRLS.

HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U opens a day after the first film ended. Following an unexplained time loop phenomenon that forced her to live the same day over and over, cute and reformed college student Tree Gelbman (Jessica Rothe) has a new lease on life as her adorable courtship with sweet-natured Carter Davis (Israel Broussard) continues. Inexplicably, though, that same time looping phenomenon befalls another student on campus forcing our fearless hero back into action. And unfortunately, through a reveal involving the time loop itself, an exasperated Tree finds herself sucked back into the same do-over scenario that plagued her in the first picture, only this time, that repeated day comes with a handful of slightly tweaked alterations.

Sound confusing? Actually, it’s not. In fact, it’s pretty easy to follow in the same way 2018’s stellar SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE was easy to follow, but you would be well advised to not watch this one unless you’ve seen the first film. It should also be noted that, much to the dismay of many horror fans, HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U isn’t particularly scary, and in fact, this film trades in a great deal of the slasher shenanigans you might be expecting for comedy and a healthy dose of science fiction.

Happy Death Day 2U (2019) - Movie Still
Courtesy of Universal / Blumhouse

The original film’s writer/director, Christopher Landon, is back for the sequel and from the outset, he makes what could have easily been a misguided decision: He gives us an actual explanation behind the time loop rather than just letting it remain an ambiguous hook that we’re willing to go along with. Happily though, the explanation behind the loop, as seemingly ridiculous as its creation may seem, actually allows this movie to go into some often interesting and sometimes very clever directions.

Beyond the time loop hook, Landon fleshes out many of the characters who were simply supporting players the first time around, giving them more purpose and allowing the actors who play them (including Phi Vu, Rachel Matthews, Ruby Modine, Charles Aitken, and Missy Yager) an opportunity to have a bit more fun and even show a little more range.

Happy Death Day 2U (2019) - Movie Still
Courtesy of Universal / Blumhouse

Headlining it all is an extremely likable Jessica Rothe as reluctant hero, Tree. While Tree’s arc, which found her evolving from a spoiled, entitled mean girl to a loving and caring pillar of strength, was competed in the first film, Landon comes up with a creative hook here that allows Tree to learn even more valuable life lessons. Rothe is every bit as good here as she was in the first film, once again showcasing the frustration and confusion of her bizarre situation through humor and a surprising amount of heart. While the majority of HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U is definitely played for laughs, there’s drama to be found, too, and Rothe pretty much nails it every step of the way.

Happy Death Day 2U (2019) - Movie Still
Courtesy of Universal / Blumhouse

HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U certainly isn’t a slam dunk. Some of the comedy, including a bit where one character poses as a blind French woman in a effort to create a diversion, is too broad and cartoonish for its own good. Furthermore, the looping gimmick does sometimes wear a little thin (GROUNDHOG DAY, BACK THE FUTURE PART II, EDGE OF TOMORROW, and SOURCE CODE, this ain’t.)

Happy Death Day 2U (2019) - Movie Still
Courtesy of Universal / Blumhouse

All of that said, this is an entertaining movie and it does manage to make its predecessor even more amusing. And again, there’s no doubt that Rothe has the “it” factor. While these traits aid in making Christopher Landon’s lively HAPPY DEATH DAY follow up worth seeing, i’d be lying if I said I didn’t want it to end here. HAPPY DEATH DAY 2U predictably sets up a third film during an end credits stinger, and while there’s always potential for a third outing to be entertaining, this sequel would be a more solid note to end on.

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