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Alex Rodriguez says in a “great place” after his breakup with JLo!

Jennifer Lopez recently showed her way of cementing her relationship with Ben Affleck by removing all the traces of her ex Alex Rodriguez form her Instagram. Alex, on the other hand, appeared for an interview for the first time ever since the breakup happened and positively stated that he is doing much better now.

The former MLB player was reported to extremely sad and surprised with Jennifer Lopez’s new relationship with her former partner Ben Affleck. But appearing in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, which was published on Tuesday, Rodriguez stated that him and his daughters are looking forward to better things.

Alex told ET, “I had five years of an incredible life and partnership and also with my daughters, we learned so much. And now we have the opportunity to take that and move forward and say, ‘You know what? We’re so grateful for the last five years, how do we make the next five years better because of lessons learned?'”

Rodriguez has two daughters, Natasha (16) and Ella (12), and both of them shared a great relationship with Lopez. Without tapping on the topic of his ex-fiancé’s reconciliation with Ben Affleck, he further shared, “So I’m in a great place. I’m so grateful for where God and and and the light has really put me, and I’m really looking forward. Mostly to see how my girls keep developing.”

As reported earlier, the former MLB player was taken aback by the reunion of Lopez and Affleck. Back then, an inside source closer to Lopez and Rodriguez had said, “A-Rod is shocked that J.Lo has moved on. He truly thought they would be able to make it work and reconnect. He has been reaching out to J.Lo trying to meet with her and she has been very short with him.”

The source had also told earlier that Alex was so saddened by the news of Lopez and Affleck’s reunion as we was still trying to make things better. But, Lopez was “not interested in rekindling anything with A-Rod and is done (with Alex Rodriguez).” He even contacted the 52-year-old actress to show his disappointment and tell her that “he’s upset”.

Nonetheless, 46-year-old Rodriguez seem to have moved on as well and looking ahead to a better future along with his two daughters. Last month, Rodriguez was spotted vacationing in France along with his close friends and family members. He shared the pictures from his getaway on his social media account, where he can be seen enjoying on a yacht.

Alex’s France trip, as per the reports, was his beginning to his Euro trip.

Other than updating about his position since his breakup, while talking to ET, Rodriguez also shone a light on his professional career. Talking about his successful career as a MLB player, A-Rod remembered his idol and sports icon, who inspired him to get involved in sports.

Rodriguez said, “[When] I think about rising in anything, I think about my childhood hero, Magic Johnson. Magic showed me that you can be a Hall of Fame basketball player on the hardwood and you can be a Hall of Fame guy in the board room.”


He continued, “And, because he was a man of color, I looked at him and said, ‘Oh man, why not me?” In fact, this is also one of reasons behind him looking forward to leading Presidente in their “campaign to endorse and promote young entrepreneurs to be their [own] Presidente.”

A-Rod stated that he is looking forward towards helping entrepreneurs, specifically people belonging to minority groups. “Hopefully I can open the doors for other people of color, minorities, Latinos, women, it’s the right time for that… Anybody can be Presidente, absolutely everybody should be. This is the golden age for entrepreneurship and there’s so much opportunity out there.”

“If you can get up and hustle, whether it’s a side hustle or your main hustle, anybody can make it,” said Alex. “A young kid like me made it from Miami, because of baseball, and I was able to take that and do other things. It also gives me a platform to do great things like this and help out the next generation of entrepreneurship.”

Lopez, on the other hand, was recently noticed to have removed her ex Alex Rodriguez from her Instagram. The “I Ain’t Your Mama” singer has erased all the memories of her with Alex which she shared on her Instagram. Moreover, the actress has also unfollowed the former MLB player. The postes deleted by Jennifer also includes some of the pics of her and A-Rod the together during President Joe Biden’s inauguration, where J. Lo also performed “This Land Is Your Land” and “America the Beautiful.” However, Lopez have not touched her individual photos and posts from the event.

Lopez and Rodriguez began dating back in February 2017. The two announced their engagement in 2019. However, by the early 2021, the rumors of A-Rod and Lopez splitting started to emerge. However the two had addressed the rumors stating they were going through a rough period but were still together. Finally, with a joint statement, the pair announced their separation. The statement read, “We have realized we are better as friends and look forward to remaining so. We will continue to work together and support each other on our shared businesses and projects. We wish the best for each other and one another’s children. Out of respect for them, the only other comment we have to say is thank you to everyone who has sent kind words and support.”

Lopez is extremely happy since her reunion with her former partner Ben Affleck, and the two are back to being the power couple of town known as “Bennifer.” While appearing on Apple Music 1 last month, Lopez had told the host Zane Lowe, “I’m super happy! I know people are always wondering, ‘How are you? What’s going on? Are you okay?’ This is it. I’ve never been better.”

She had further explained, “I’ve really gotten to a place in my life where I’m great on my own. And I think once you get to that place, then amazing things happen to you that you never imagine in your life happening again.”

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