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Busted! Pastor With 11 Wives Rapes 4 Church Members and Threatens Them With Evil Spells


A Zimbabwean pastor, Robert Martin Gumbura, the founder of ‘Robert Martin Gumbura Independent End Time Message Church’ was sentenced on

Monday to 50 years imprisonment for molesting four female members of his congregation and threatening to cast evil spells on them if they exposed him.

The incidents, were said to have occurred more than a decade ago.
During the court hearing, the 57-year-old Pastor who already has 11 wives and 30 children, claimed that all female members of his church were his wives by right, and married women were on loan from their husbands. See photo of some of Gumbura’s wives below….


Presiding over the matter, magistrate Hoseah Mujaya said, “You were a real wolf in sheepskin. The core business of any church is worshipping and not sleeping with girls and women and threaten them that misfortune will befall them.”

His conviction included a four-month term for a separate charge of possession of badographic videos.
In his defence, Gumbura stated the DVDs were private recordings with his wives.
However, 10-years was taken off his sentence because he had no previous convictions.




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  1. That man is not a servant of God but the devil. Let him die in prison and go to hell……..

  2. what such a pastor is he serving GOD or Devol

  3. He is serving satan not GOD,is the world coming to an end?

  4. think the pastor is pretending to be man of god he is not ad one thing he is cursed because of destorying god shepard

  5. felicia fallang

    he is a devil n he wl face God’s judgment.

  6. morounfolu sefiu

    This is the end of life. He should be sentence to dealth. For is behavior .

  7. At times members know that their pastor is Devil, but they continue to follow him in his useless church!

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